Wednesday, July 11, 2012

I feel normal again, sorta.

         Not that I ever was normal in the first place, but I'm talking about my face. My cheeks have reduced to a size that is bearable and I don't look so funny. However, I still have a wonderful yellow bruise on my left cheek, and I can't quite smile correctly. That's my biggest issue, because I smile...A LOT. But I'm hoping by Friday, once these stupid stitches are out, I'll be eating solid food and smiling without restriction!

        I've also started my regular babysitting job again. Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday. 2 hours a day. Not that bad. But I've told most of you before, the pattern continues. During those three days, our 2 hour routine consists of playing with a marble set, Pong (the computer game), watching Spongebob, playing connect four or memory, eating something highly unhealthy and if I'm super lucky, the cycle repeats twice! Or we do two things at the same time. We do occasionally bare the Woodland heat and go to the park to play basketball or burn ourselves on the play structure. We bowled for 4 hours the other day! It's great. (There may be some sarcasm behind that last comment...) I really can't complain though, it's not too bad. He's a good kid.

     Overall, my summer adventures have been quite great. I've spent most of my time with my nerd possy. Playing Apples to Apples, Phase 10, Minecraft, watching movies, or YouTube videos, taking extremely attractive pictures of ourselves on Hannah's iPad or making trips to Panda for Adriana's egg roll addiction. (I really want/need to play tennis soon.)

    I'd have to say, this has been my favorite summer. You know why? Christopher came for a surprise visit for graduation. That's mainly why. I love my best friend. He's so awesome.
         But also, I'm really enjoying myself. I'm happy! Plus, I don't have AP assignments or any other stupid summer assignment that I'm procrastinating on. I'm sure all you other AP students can relate.

       Well that's it for now.

     Tomorrow, I'm going on an adventure to see The Amazing Spiderman (Andrew Garfield, AHHH!<3) and to find some Irn Bru. I don't know what it is either but Ian and Adriana say it's some amazing Scottish soda. We'll see if we actually find it (and if I decide to try it...) Oh and I'm going to be an extra in one of Aaron's Films. Cool right? Should be quite the tale!