Friday, August 10, 2012

Genes & Names (College Countdown: Day 9)

Recently two topics have come up in conversation quite often. Whether the conversation involves family, friends or complete strangers-They've been brought up multiple times in the last few weeks.

I would just like to clear them up now for those who are reading who don't know.
I'm sure I'll have to explain myself quite a few times once I get up to BYU too though, but I want you all to know NOW. (And I don't mean to sound rude in this blog, I'm just clearing up a few things!)

The two topics? My name & My teeth. You're about to learn a bit about me!

My name
Jensen Leigh Krause
Phonetically spelled: Jen-sin Lee Kr-ow-ss

Yes..I have three last names in my full name. Yes...Jensen is a guy's name too. initials are JK. name doesn't have some cool story behind it. My mom heard it on TV and thought it was pretty. I was supposed to be Sarah, Melissa or even possibly, Fiona.

My nicknames include Jenn (I tell people my name is Jenn when I go to like Jamba because they can spell Jenn better than Jensen.), Jay (Most popular with my friends and fam), Jaybird (Softball nickname and immediate family) and the occasional Jenny (But ONLY Bryanna is allowed to call me that).

Jaybird - Came from putting my head back with my mouth wide open like a baby bird when I was hungry as a baby. Why I did that? I don't know. But the nickname stuck.

So yeah, that's the story behind my name and all the answers to all the questions I'm most frequently asked.

My teeth.
I have two white spots on my front two teeth. They are square spots that are brighter white then the rest of my teeth.

Why I have them? Two theories:
Genetics- My mom and Nana each have a spot on one of their front teeth...but I have 2...
High Fever - Something about having a high fever as an infant...which I did have...and it does something to your adult teeth..Not sure how or why exactly. But that's what the dentist said may have affected my teeth coloration.

No, it's not leftover frosting on my teeth. (Got that one in Fifth Grade) It's not from my 4 years in braces. I've had them forever. After I lost the baby teeth, they came in like this. And No, I'm not going to get them capped. I think they add character to my smile even if they are a little odd looking.

I'd post a picture of my lovely spotted smile but luckily they don't show up in pictures very well!
So yeah. That's me. The girl with with three last names and checkered teeth. But I think my teeth and name really fit me. They're different, random and original (: