So it is the end of another semester. I'm done! I have one more semester, and a summer term of generals and then I'm (hopefully) going to be working on the SPED (Special Education) program! I can breathe again...for my tiny winter break of two weeks..Ugh.
My finals went well. My block class for TELL (Teaching English Learners, for my minor) ended in November, so that was nice! My Classical Traditions class had online tests and I have an 99.41 in the class currently; pass or fail the final, I'll get an A in the class. In my Special Education Intro class I received an A on my partner project where we had to create an Intervention Plan for a child with a disability. My stats final went well, I earned an 82%. And my Religion final, I missed the 6 comprehensive questions and got an 81%, so I'll keep my grades in the steady low B range.
So it's going to be: (Drum roll please!!!!)
Classical Traditions A
SPED Intro A
Stats B-
Religion B-
Earning me a 3.48! Highest GPA of college so far. And to think I was a total stress case this semester. Between work, school and field experience, I barely could breath...But it paid off!
Enough about school, I'm done for two weeks so I'm done talking about it.
I haven't blogged in forever so here is an update on where I am in my life.
I am currently applying for my major (seeing as I'm a PRE-Special Education major). I have to apply to the program. All the letter of recs are done, all my field experience hours are done. I simply have to finish writing a review of my field experience in order to get it approved, write an autobiography about my life experiences, then I have to do a bunch of technology tests to see if I can actually use a computer for things besides blogging and Facebook. (Should be a cake!) So yeah, I have 26 days to finish it all. Craaaazy. I'm excited but nervous about getting in!
I applied and interviewed for a Shift Lead position at work. Which means I would just be in charge of certain aspects of what I do at work, and be the one in the lead when on shift. So we'll see if that happens! I should be finding out soon (:
I hate snow. But you all already knew that. Still haven't fallen! (Knock on wood)
I'm currently on Front Runner (the train that runs from Provo up to the most Northern Part of Utah) back to Provo for a few hours because I was tired of sitting on the SLC airport floor. "Why were you sitting on the airport floor, Jensen?" Well....My flight was cancelled because of a snow/ice storm. Annnd there were so many people trying to reschedule flights that now there aren't any open flights til Monday. So my parents booked me an Amtrak ticket, I refunded the Southwest ticket, and I'm taking the Front Runner back up to SLC at 9pm, then the Amtrak train at 11:30pm home, and should arrive in Davis tomorrow afternoon. (Yay?) A 15hr train ride. Should be perfect time for me to finish some of my Special Education application, right? Oh and to catch up on some much needed sleep.
So yeah, I REALLY hate snow. It's cold, and wet and screws up my plans.
Except for a few weekends ago, Jordan and I took the Front Runner up to Salt Lake City so we could go explore Temple Square and go shopping at City Creek (The really nice, brand new mall in SLC.). Jordan had never been to Temple Square so I took him on a tour, we saw all the pretty Christmas lights and it was all pretty and snowy. We shopped for each other's Christmas Presents then ate dinner at the Lion House (Anyone who's been to Temple Square knows that the Lion House has yummy food and the best dinner rolls you will ever have). It was a great date night and the only time I've really enjoyed snow here! I love California snow. Something about Utah snow...I just am not a fan. I think it's because I have to live in it.
So yes, I'm trying to inhale and exhale as I attempt to get rid of my frustration from today, this finals week, and this semester. This two week break is going to be exactly what I need. So friends and family, I am VERY excited to see you. I cannot wait to be home and see my Marley Dog!!
See you in less than 24hrs (hopefully. I am PRAYING something else doesn't happen.)
Xoxox from a very homesick girl.
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
An Update for the Blog Stalkers
I have been slacking on the blogging. I know. I've realized this many times before now, I literally just have no time. And the time that I do have to do nothing with my life, I watch my TV shows and in bed with my pjs on. Yepp. Life of a College Student right there.
Anyways. What has happened in the last few months? Pretty much since I arrived back to Happy Valley? Well just a whole lot of adventures and spectacular things!
Sorta.. Let me just give you a short-ish list.
Anyways. What has happened in the last few months? Pretty much since I arrived back to Happy Valley? Well just a whole lot of adventures and spectacular things!
Sorta.. Let me just give you a short-ish list.
- I'm working at The Wall (equivalent to a Mormon Bar). I love it. Working my butt off at 20hrs each week! Making $$$$$$. Well not really $$$$$$$. More like $.
- I'm kicking butt in my classes. (Have a chance at all As!)
- Jordan and I hit our 1 year mark! (He must like having me around!)
- I've been working in Provo Elementary and Secondary schools doing Field Experience for my major. I'm like a volunteer but with a cool badge that has my picture and says I'm finger printed!
- I went (with Jordan) to see Parachute in concert (A.K.A My favorite band for years now!)
- My apartment is just about the cutest thing on the planet. Like really. We have curtains and throw pillows. Chalk Boards and Framed Pictures. Even a teal cabinet unit that has a holiday display on it depending on the upcoming events.
- My laptop died. Nothing I did. The hard Drive was faulty so it took 3 weeks (7-10 business days my butt) to get it back.
- I'm developing some serious cooking skills. To think I was doing well last year on my own is an understatement now. I'm making some gourmet meals with my Sous-Chef (Jordan).
- I dropped my phone in the toilet and it still didn't die. It is indestructible.
So I believe that sums up a lot of the nifty things that have occurred in my life in the last few months. I wish I could have blogged about each one and given you details about each but I will give you a few about how much I love my Field Experience.
I started off working in a High School working in a severe classroom. (For those that do not know, my major is Special Education: Mild and Moderate Emphasis). It was difficult at first because it's hard to understand that needs of the students and what exactly you need to teach them. Though, those kids were just wonderful. I got to know them as I went in twice a week and I loved it. Teaching was difficult; you have to repeat the task over and over again as you model it for them, direct them to do it, repeat those steps until they can do it themselves. Sometimes the next time you go in, you have to repeat the lesson, but once they get the task it's pure joy!
While I was there, I got to sit in during the school's Homecoming Rally. It was like reliving high school all over again but I got to enjoy it with my new friends, who didn't seem like they had an disabilities at all. They still smiled and enjoyed the rally even more then some of the other "normal" students in the crowd. It was so great. They are exceptional. There is so much more that I wish I could tell you all but there is a confidentiality thing so the memories are only for me (:
I'm now working at an Elementary school (which is the cutest little elementary school I've ever been to) in a Mild and Moderate setting. I just started. So far it's been great, but different. Different because the kids interact with me a lot more, and definitely have a lot more attitude! It's been fun though. I'm really enjoying this experience I'm getting in actual schools with real kids.
Can't you just see it? Miss Krause?
Well the kids actually call me Miss K because that is a lot easier to remember (:
There you go! That's all for now.
Life is good. Hectic. Crazy. Busy. Fun. Adventurous. Tiring.
But that's College right?
Xoxox from Happy Valley (:
Can't you just see it? Miss Krause?
Well the kids actually call me Miss K because that is a lot easier to remember (:
There you go! That's all for now.
Life is good. Hectic. Crazy. Busy. Fun. Adventurous. Tiring.
But that's College right?
Xoxox from Happy Valley (:
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Round 2
I'm all moved into my new apartment! Let me just say, it is freaking adorable. Really. I mean, it is so cute. And it's really close to campus, newly remodeled, decently sized and decorated freaking cute. My roommates are great. My new ward seems really wonderful. I just love it.
I had not only my mom moving me in but also Jordan. Who did most of the heavy lifting, and then his best friend, Adam, helped a bit too. We all mostly did things this weekend. Shopping. Eating. Playing Catch Phrase. You know. The usual move-in-weekend sorta stuff.
But I'm here! It feels good to be here even though I've been sorta sick lately. Whatever this cold thing I had was, that my mom and brother had as well, kicked my butt. And my nose's butt. (If my nose had a butt, it would be kicked) Goodness. But I'm feeling a lot better now. Except for the fact that it's humid, hot and sorta sticky here. Oh well. Beats dry, awful heat.
I've already got a job lined up. Working at The Wall. (It is like club, with yummy food, concerts, karoke nights and huge tvs) The job I wanted! I'm so happy. Everyone seems great. I've got all my books for: Statistics, Intro to Special Education, Classic Tradition 1, New Testament, and Second Language Acquisition. It's going to be a crazy semester! I am excited though. Nervous. But excited to see what happens.
It's all going to be a lot of reading. Which, I don't mind. BUT it's all very simliar reading. Two subjects are about History related (New Testament & Class Tradition) and two are education related (Second Language & Special Ed) and the other is math. I'm actually sorta excited for my stats class. Weird, right?
It's going to be interesting.
But here's the deal. I'll keep you all up to date on my life here on this blog. Then I'll have another or the same, (I haven't decided or been instructed on whether or not that is okay) that I will be posting on for one of my classes. Classical Tradition is going to require us from time to time to do different assignments online relating to the readings that we are doing. The readings include The Illiad, Greek Tragedies (Oedipus), Aneid, The Odyssey, Dante, etc. That kind of stuff. Should be interesting! (:
But yeah, after a few nervous stomach aches and figuring out work and school schedules, it seems like things are going to go very well. And I can't wait (:
Family: Prepare yourself for a mass email with my new address.
Friends: If you want my new address, just message me! (:
Hugs to all from my home away from home (:
I had not only my mom moving me in but also Jordan. Who did most of the heavy lifting, and then his best friend, Adam, helped a bit too. We all mostly did things this weekend. Shopping. Eating. Playing Catch Phrase. You know. The usual move-in-weekend sorta stuff.
But I'm here! It feels good to be here even though I've been sorta sick lately. Whatever this cold thing I had was, that my mom and brother had as well, kicked my butt. And my nose's butt. (If my nose had a butt, it would be kicked) Goodness. But I'm feeling a lot better now. Except for the fact that it's humid, hot and sorta sticky here. Oh well. Beats dry, awful heat.
I've already got a job lined up. Working at The Wall. (It is like club, with yummy food, concerts, karoke nights and huge tvs) The job I wanted! I'm so happy. Everyone seems great. I've got all my books for: Statistics, Intro to Special Education, Classic Tradition 1, New Testament, and Second Language Acquisition. It's going to be a crazy semester! I am excited though. Nervous. But excited to see what happens.
It's all going to be a lot of reading. Which, I don't mind. BUT it's all very simliar reading. Two subjects are about History related (New Testament & Class Tradition) and two are education related (Second Language & Special Ed) and the other is math. I'm actually sorta excited for my stats class. Weird, right?
It's going to be interesting.
But here's the deal. I'll keep you all up to date on my life here on this blog. Then I'll have another or the same, (I haven't decided or been instructed on whether or not that is okay) that I will be posting on for one of my classes. Classical Tradition is going to require us from time to time to do different assignments online relating to the readings that we are doing. The readings include The Illiad, Greek Tragedies (Oedipus), Aneid, The Odyssey, Dante, etc. That kind of stuff. Should be interesting! (:
But yeah, after a few nervous stomach aches and figuring out work and school schedules, it seems like things are going to go very well. And I can't wait (:
Family: Prepare yourself for a mass email with my new address.
Friends: If you want my new address, just message me! (:
Hugs to all from my home away from home (:
Saturday, August 3, 2013
Adventures of a Kid at Heart
Silly Boy.
But yes, it has been a long time! To recap a few things: I am still working at Fairytale Town. I still love it. I'm no longer 18. Only a teen for one more year. Whoooop! Oh and I go back to Utah in less than a month! Sent in my notice to work and started to set things aside to pack. Yepp. It's happening all over again (:
Though, the adventures you've all been waiting for! The last month has been mostly just me working. Hanging out with the gang. You know the usual: bobba, video games, sitting and watching ridiculous movies. Normal things for kids our age, right?
Don't answer that.
Oh and my mom and I went to a Free Flower field and picked enough flowers to share with a bunch of people and to brighten up our house too. It was a great afternoon, except for the scary bees!
The most exciting part of July was Jordan coming to visit though! He flew into Oakland on the 23rd of July and stayed that week til Friday. (So yes, he visited for my birthday!) It was quite fun.
Wednesday: He met my Nana. They both just talked and talked and talked. We showed him the Koi fish and ducks. We went to the Zoo, and I showed him around work. We brought Lunchables for a classic "Field Trip" lunch. Went the the Farmer's Market that night with my family for dinner and fruit. And Of course, bought the best apple juice in the world. Jordan ended up buying a big thing of it for breakfast the next morning! He surprised me by buying huge sunflowers. My favorite (:
He crossed something off my bucketlist:
buying flowers and having them wrapped in newspaper! Then we went to see Monsters University (because I have yet to grow up)!
If you haven't been to the Sac Zoo lately, GO! They have a new baby tiger named CJ. He's adorable. Well as adorable as something can be that is a born killer.
Thursday: My Birthday! Woke up to French Toast with strawberries and cream cheese, plus the apple juice! We got ready and went to Arden Mall to look for Toms! We got sized but to no avail, didn't find any we loved! Got some I Love Teryaki, sat and watched some Psych. Cleaned up the house, then my friends came over for Sliders and some Minion Cake. Sparklers too.
(I LOVE SPARKLERS. Or fire...I don't know which.)
He went to bed before everyone left, and I fell asleep on the couch. But then once we both woke up to clean up and say goodbye to everyone, sat up til goodness knows when and watched our Psych.
We really love Psych.
Friday: He took off. Not before we kicked butt on a few levels of Candy Crush and grabbed some Sonic. Then it was a teary goodbye til we see each other again in the end of August before school starts in September. Oh school.
Definitely a wonderful birthday week. Even though I still feel 18, and act like I'm 5. I'm never growing up.

And then of course all the birthday messages on Facebook. My phone was blowing up all day. I woke up with 12 messages. A total of like 40, before turning off the notifications. So much love! (:
But since then, it's been work, work, work. Or $ $ $. Whichever you see it. I just love it either way!
Oh and I dyed my hair with Kool-Aid....
Yeah, the tips are red. Don't freak out. No damage done (: It's practically faded. I wanted to be rebellious. As rebellious as I can be before going back to school where I can't have extreme color in my hair...I want to do it again though...
Yeah, the tips are red. Don't freak out. No damage done (: It's practically faded. I wanted to be rebellious. As rebellious as I can be before going back to school where I can't have extreme color in my hair...I want to do it again though...
Ciao for now (:
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Drowing in a Heat Wave
Really. I hate this weather.
Once it over 95, it's just ridiculous, absolutely unbearable and not fit for humans outside. Then working in it, inside the cafe, with all the heaters and ovens and different applicances on, or doing a fun camp = no fun. It's 103 (feels like 105 according to can tell the difference, really?) right now, and it's been over 110 most of the days this week. It barely got over 100 a few times last summer. This heat wave is torture. GIVE ME BACK THE SNOW.
Maybe not, but I wouldn't mind it right now.
Anyways, what have I been up to?
Work...More Work. Shopping. The concert last week...Oh and I saw my friends...two weeks ago..the thursday before the concert? I can't remember. Oh and I'm house sitting right now for a family. They have a cute cat. It's really soft (:
The Concert was amaaaaaazing. All of the performers were very good live. Sara Bareilles is adorable. Andy Grammar is funny. And Parachute, they are just wonderful, they just...Ahh. I fan girled, geeked out. I screamed, I knew all the words. Yepp. It was embarrassing. But hey, I got a smile from Will (the lead singer) and he even touched my hand. I can die happy. After (what?) 5 years of listening to their music and anticipating every new song/album, I finally got to see them in concert...along with other great artists, for only $12...and go down a bunch of water slides. And get pretty tan. Best adventure so far this summer. With the Best Friend of course.
Moving on, I've been shopping. Getting summer clothes (for my birthday! 22 days! Thank you mom and dad. ) and of course just getting little things for myself, like earrings. Trying not to spend a ton of the money I'm making but still spoiling myself but getting a bubble slush or dutch every once in a while. But mom and I did damage at the Galleria. I scored some good stuff though! And some lady was nice enough to give us a coupon at Down East Basics that she wasn't going to use, which couldn't have been more perfect because we needed that coupon.
That morning though we got Starbucks. My mom told the guy that I was going order, but phrased it "The princess is going to get something too." Mind you, I am not a spoiled brat. I'm spoiled. I'm very privileged. HOWEVER, I have manners and am only dramatic sometimes. Less than the average girl. I say thank you, please and all the other ways to show that I am not ungrateful! But this barista guy, he just went and put Princess on my cup. With a sarcastic little smiley. Thank you, barista guy. Everyone on Facebook and my mom, just loved that. Me, you got a "hah." The princess was not pleased at the joke at her expense. Didn't really help that my drink was pink....
Then there is work, still love it. Love my coworkers. Love the place. It's just so darn hot and I can't go a day without getting nacho cheese on myself. Last Thursday, I came home from work covered in nacho cheese annnd a bit of bleach. I made a thing of nachos, spilled the cheese on my shirt and pants... and then I had to change out the bleach to santizer for dishwashing and BAM, bleachy cheese perfume. Oh and then add sweat. I'm sure it was delightful for everyone within a feet of me to smell.
Though, that's whats been going on. Nothing tooooo exciting. Birthday is in, like I said before 22 days! Jordan comes in 20 days! I've got another fun camp in 12! The 4th of July is tomorrow...Oh and the heat wave...yeah it's supposed to end today, but that doesn't look like it's gonna happen.
Take me to Lake Tahoe! Or gosh, even to the germ infested community pool. Saaave me.
Once it over 95, it's just ridiculous, absolutely unbearable and not fit for humans outside. Then working in it, inside the cafe, with all the heaters and ovens and different applicances on, or doing a fun camp = no fun. It's 103 (feels like 105 according to can tell the difference, really?) right now, and it's been over 110 most of the days this week. It barely got over 100 a few times last summer. This heat wave is torture. GIVE ME BACK THE SNOW.
Maybe not, but I wouldn't mind it right now.
Anyways, what have I been up to?
Work...More Work. Shopping. The concert last week...Oh and I saw my friends...two weeks ago..the thursday before the concert? I can't remember. Oh and I'm house sitting right now for a family. They have a cute cat. It's really soft (:

Moving on, I've been shopping. Getting summer clothes (for my birthday! 22 days! Thank you mom and dad. ) and of course just getting little things for myself, like earrings. Trying not to spend a ton of the money I'm making but still spoiling myself but getting a bubble slush or dutch every once in a while. But mom and I did damage at the Galleria. I scored some good stuff though! And some lady was nice enough to give us a coupon at Down East Basics that she wasn't going to use, which couldn't have been more perfect because we needed that coupon.
That morning though we got Starbucks. My mom told the guy that I was going order, but phrased it "The princess is going to get something too." Mind you, I am not a spoiled brat. I'm spoiled. I'm very privileged. HOWEVER, I have manners and am only dramatic sometimes. Less than the average girl. I say thank you, please and all the other ways to show that I am not ungrateful! But this barista guy, he just went and put Princess on my cup. With a sarcastic little smiley. Thank you, barista guy. Everyone on Facebook and my mom, just loved that. Me, you got a "hah." The princess was not pleased at the joke at her expense. Didn't really help that my drink was pink....
Then there is work, still love it. Love my coworkers. Love the place. It's just so darn hot and I can't go a day without getting nacho cheese on myself. Last Thursday, I came home from work covered in nacho cheese annnd a bit of bleach. I made a thing of nachos, spilled the cheese on my shirt and pants... and then I had to change out the bleach to santizer for dishwashing and BAM, bleachy cheese perfume. Oh and then add sweat. I'm sure it was delightful for everyone within a feet of me to smell.
Though, that's whats been going on. Nothing tooooo exciting. Birthday is in, like I said before 22 days! Jordan comes in 20 days! I've got another fun camp in 12! The 4th of July is tomorrow...Oh and the heat wave...yeah it's supposed to end today, but that doesn't look like it's gonna happen.
Take me to Lake Tahoe! Or gosh, even to the germ infested community pool. Saaave me.
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Fun Camp: Take 1
Just call me Jessie!
Kidding. Don't call me that. Please don't.
Apparently, Jensen is too difficult to remember for little kids and for older kids, it's just not cool. So I've been named Jessie by one of my fun campers. Though, all the other aides' names got changed thankfully. Air, and Marie (Aaron and Maria) are by my side this week as we chase around 20 little kids, each Fun Camp session, for work. 8-4pm. Ages 4-6, then 7-12. Oh it is just a blast!
Perks: I'm getting paid, it's experience, the kids really aren't that bad, and it's actually fun. Down side: It's pretty hott, and some kids are not so easy to work with. But that's how it's going to be! Funny how many of them have such big attitudes and they are barely 7. Or their personalities are just so entertaining, or they are the sweetest little kids and you just can't help but smile! (The bright spots in the camps!) And those kids that give me a hard time, they really aren't that bad. I mean, like I told Adriana and Aaron, I love kids so I can handle their craziness pretty well. For me to come home and say I had a hard time dealing with a child, that child has to be one bad egg. My kids are good though! I've got 2 more camps this summer, I can't wait (:
The morning camp is Farmer Brown's Junior Farmers! The kids get to handle and learn about the different farm animals at Fairytale town, along with the various other bugs and animals that Jim, the instructor, has hidden in his office. So far it's been bunnies, goats and sheep. I luckily always get the stubborn animals. The rabbit that is so nervous it takes off when it's put on the leash. The sheep that will not walk, it's more interested in the grass. And the goat that doesn't want to move, period. Oh animals! Like the kids, they have some strong personalities!
Then the afternoon camp is Adventure Play which is all about Nature and Science. All I know is that by the end of the day I'm covered in dirt. Not because we did anything really dirty, it just appears on me. The program is pretty neat: using a solar oven to make smores, nature walks, learning about clouds, seeing a rainbow that's in a perfect circle.
Fairytale Town knows how to put on a summer camp for these kids!
Other than work...
The last few weeks have been fun. I've gone to the Farmer's Market in Davis with my mom. We got dinner there then pretty much bought every kind of fruit available for us to purchase. I went thrift shopping and scored a church skirt, 2 shirts (practically brand new) and a good book for $20!
I hung out with Adriana (finally!). She arrived on Sunday so we went to get our first Dutch Bros of the summer. Then sat and talked to Aaron's mother, Hedy, for two hours until he got home. Yes, I'm actually friends with my friends' moms. They're great (:
This weekend is the NowSplash with Adriana. Only 35 days til Jordan visits. 37 days til my birthday. And about 80 days til I'm back in Utah. Crazy that I've already been home for about two months! Another two to go (:
Hope you all are smiling because Life is Good!
If not. Here are two cute puppies to curve your lips up a bit (:

Kidding. Don't call me that. Please don't.
Apparently, Jensen is too difficult to remember for little kids and for older kids, it's just not cool. So I've been named Jessie by one of my fun campers. Though, all the other aides' names got changed thankfully. Air, and Marie (Aaron and Maria) are by my side this week as we chase around 20 little kids, each Fun Camp session, for work. 8-4pm. Ages 4-6, then 7-12. Oh it is just a blast!
Perks: I'm getting paid, it's experience, the kids really aren't that bad, and it's actually fun. Down side: It's pretty hott, and some kids are not so easy to work with. But that's how it's going to be! Funny how many of them have such big attitudes and they are barely 7. Or their personalities are just so entertaining, or they are the sweetest little kids and you just can't help but smile! (The bright spots in the camps!) And those kids that give me a hard time, they really aren't that bad. I mean, like I told Adriana and Aaron, I love kids so I can handle their craziness pretty well. For me to come home and say I had a hard time dealing with a child, that child has to be one bad egg. My kids are good though! I've got 2 more camps this summer, I can't wait (:
The morning camp is Farmer Brown's Junior Farmers! The kids get to handle and learn about the different farm animals at Fairytale town, along with the various other bugs and animals that Jim, the instructor, has hidden in his office. So far it's been bunnies, goats and sheep. I luckily always get the stubborn animals. The rabbit that is so nervous it takes off when it's put on the leash. The sheep that will not walk, it's more interested in the grass. And the goat that doesn't want to move, period. Oh animals! Like the kids, they have some strong personalities!
Then the afternoon camp is Adventure Play which is all about Nature and Science. All I know is that by the end of the day I'm covered in dirt. Not because we did anything really dirty, it just appears on me. The program is pretty neat: using a solar oven to make smores, nature walks, learning about clouds, seeing a rainbow that's in a perfect circle.
Fairytale Town knows how to put on a summer camp for these kids!
Other than work...
The last few weeks have been fun. I've gone to the Farmer's Market in Davis with my mom. We got dinner there then pretty much bought every kind of fruit available for us to purchase. I went thrift shopping and scored a church skirt, 2 shirts (practically brand new) and a good book for $20!
This weekend is the NowSplash with Adriana. Only 35 days til Jordan visits. 37 days til my birthday. And about 80 days til I'm back in Utah. Crazy that I've already been home for about two months! Another two to go (:
Hope you all are smiling because Life is Good!
If not. Here are two cute puppies to curve your lips up a bit (:

Thursday, June 6, 2013
Counting Cats
Yes. Today, I counted cats. All the little cat statues that line up and down Dead Cat Alley to be exact. (Yes. It's one of the few things you can do around here in Woodland). I started off the day with Hannah as we took a trip to the Post Office so I could send out a Care Package to Jordan. Then we went to bug Ian. Picked him up and made our way to count cats. (We're weird. We know.)
We finished and ended up going over to Hannah's house to play Settlers of Catan. (We're nerds. We know). After Hannah kicked Ian and I's butts her first time playing, we went swimming. Then played Phase 10. And called it a day.
Pretty good day, I'd say. In between days that I work, I end up hanging out with those two, or them separately, and sometimes someone else will join us. Like Randi came by with Hannah and we sat and talked for a good 3 hours about life. Always a enjoyable.

It's nice to be home and see my old friends. However, it's weird being home and seeing kids still in school, and those individuals that graduated from your high school that maybe you didn't get along with or you were nice to but had no real relationship with. Yeah. And you don't know if they really do remember your name, when you surely remember theirs. And you don't know whether to say hi or not. Awwwkward.
It'll be nice to have my best friend home in a few weeks! I miss her like crazy! Plus everyone else will be home pretty soon too. Then the real adventures can begin.
One adventure will be going to the 100.5 NowSplash concert with Adriana to see some of our favorite bands perform! I didn't even request to have that day off, we were wanting to go but it was looking like I probably wouldn't get it off...BUT I DID. Just by luck (: So we're going. It's cheap and 4/5 bands we know to be pretty great. (Parachute, Sara Bareilles, Andy Grammar, and Hanson). Perfect right?
Oh and then Jordan is coming to visit for my birthday! I cannot wait! He'll be here to spend just a few days in California then back to work in DC. Thankfully I got the time off! It'll be so much fun. It won't be long enough but we'll make the most of it!
Work was been going well. I'll be getting more hours starting two weeks from now! I'll be working Fun Camps with the kids all day! It'll be great. Busy, crazy and long. But great! Plus I'll be making money $$$. Which makes it very much worth it. If you have little children, or you babysit. Come visit me!
Lastly, I'm still learning songs on my uke about once a week, if not twice. I start my mornings off with a little ukulele sometimes. I still love the thing. It's my favorite (:
Maybe I'll write a song about counting cats...
Just kidding.
Oh and Yes. I did redo my blog header. You like? It's got some of my favorite pictures with some (ONLY SOME) of my favorite people on there (:
We finished and ended up going over to Hannah's house to play Settlers of Catan. (We're nerds. We know). After Hannah kicked Ian and I's butts her first time playing, we went swimming. Then played Phase 10. And called it a day.
Pretty good day, I'd say. In between days that I work, I end up hanging out with those two, or them separately, and sometimes someone else will join us. Like Randi came by with Hannah and we sat and talked for a good 3 hours about life. Always a enjoyable.

It's nice to be home and see my old friends. However, it's weird being home and seeing kids still in school, and those individuals that graduated from your high school that maybe you didn't get along with or you were nice to but had no real relationship with. Yeah. And you don't know if they really do remember your name, when you surely remember theirs. And you don't know whether to say hi or not. Awwwkward.
It'll be nice to have my best friend home in a few weeks! I miss her like crazy! Plus everyone else will be home pretty soon too. Then the real adventures can begin.
One adventure will be going to the 100.5 NowSplash concert with Adriana to see some of our favorite bands perform! I didn't even request to have that day off, we were wanting to go but it was looking like I probably wouldn't get it off...BUT I DID. Just by luck (: So we're going. It's cheap and 4/5 bands we know to be pretty great. (Parachute, Sara Bareilles, Andy Grammar, and Hanson). Perfect right?
Oh and then Jordan is coming to visit for my birthday! I cannot wait! He'll be here to spend just a few days in California then back to work in DC. Thankfully I got the time off! It'll be so much fun. It won't be long enough but we'll make the most of it!
Work was been going well. I'll be getting more hours starting two weeks from now! I'll be working Fun Camps with the kids all day! It'll be great. Busy, crazy and long. But great! Plus I'll be making money $$$. Which makes it very much worth it. If you have little children, or you babysit. Come visit me!
Lastly, I'm still learning songs on my uke about once a week, if not twice. I start my mornings off with a little ukulele sometimes. I still love the thing. It's my favorite (:
Maybe I'll write a song about counting cats...
Just kidding.
Oh and Yes. I did redo my blog header. You like? It's got some of my favorite pictures with some (ONLY SOME) of my favorite people on there (:
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Honey, I'm home!
Yes. Due to popular demand (Kidding, no one is home yet and I'm not very popular) I am back from Utah!
No, it's not because I dropped out.
I'm done.
Like done, done.
I took my finals and I'm home til August.
Got out of there with a 3.31 for my second semester and a 3.02 for my freshman year!
Yeah, I'm kinda proud of that.
College is hard.
If you think're not being challenged enough.
And you haven't taken a test in the testing center.... Really it's awful.
I got all moved out once my dad came to pick me up. Packing was just a blast (not). We visited with some family and friends, went and explored the Wasatch Mountains and then made the trek back home on April 29. So Yes. I've been home about three weeks now.
I was quite bored for the first few weeks. I think I've caught up on all the hours of television I missed while I was away at college....I miss my girls! And my guy friends...I miss having interactions with people like 24/7 because it's hard to be alone at college when you go to a school with tens of thousands of students and staff, and live in a building full of girls, and you have 6 roommates. It might sound like it'd be too much, but when you go from non-stop friend time to only seeing your family once they get home from work til the time you go to miss the crowds.
I don't miss the lecture halls, homework, crazy highway like sidewalks and never-ending search for a seat in the library though (You'd think a 6 level library, that stretches far underground, would have empty seats all the time...BUT NO. That place is jam-packed all day, erry-day...except Sundays.)
Anyways, like I said I'll be home til end of August.
Though, my very open schedule will be presumably busy because I just got a job working at Fairytale Town! It may just be part-time, but goodness am I excited! It could not be a more perfect job for me.
I've been working there for about a week now and it's been a blast. Sure I've mostly been in the Cafe the whole time but I got to do a birthday party last weekend and I get to do two more this weekend! For the first birthday party I got to dress up as Alice in Wonderland. (It may or may not have been the only costume that fit me...Everyone else there that does birthday parties is either a lot taller or shorter than me! I'm like average!) It's going to be a lot of fun this summer. I may get stuck working in the cafe a lot but hey, I'm getting paid. If making snow cones is what I do all summer, it doesn't bother me. I get to put a smile on a little kid's face (a smile and all that snow cone dye ends up all over their face as well!)
I finally have gotten to spend time with Hannah and Ian since I've been home. Just have to get Adriana back here and the gang is back! I can't wait for the rest of my friends to get home too. It'll be nice to see all the rest of their beautiful faces (:
It's back to Skype dates every night with Jordan, Dutch Bros, Bubble Tea, Taco Truck, Video Games (Ahem...Minecraft), Rat Slap, and other various adventures! Can't wait for this summer (: Oh and my birthday!
No, it's not because I dropped out.
I'm done.
Like done, done.
I took my finals and I'm home til August.
Got out of there with a 3.31 for my second semester and a 3.02 for my freshman year!
Yeah, I'm kinda proud of that.
College is hard.

And you haven't taken a test in the testing center.... Really it's awful.
I got all moved out once my dad came to pick me up. Packing was just a blast (not). We visited with some family and friends, went and explored the Wasatch Mountains and then made the trek back home on April 29. So Yes. I've been home about three weeks now.
I was quite bored for the first few weeks. I think I've caught up on all the hours of television I missed while I was away at college....I miss my girls! And my guy friends...I miss having interactions with people like 24/7 because it's hard to be alone at college when you go to a school with tens of thousands of students and staff, and live in a building full of girls, and you have 6 roommates. It might sound like it'd be too much, but when you go from non-stop friend time to only seeing your family once they get home from work til the time you go to miss the crowds.
I don't miss the lecture halls, homework, crazy highway like sidewalks and never-ending search for a seat in the library though (You'd think a 6 level library, that stretches far underground, would have empty seats all the time...BUT NO. That place is jam-packed all day, erry-day...except Sundays.)
Anyways, like I said I'll be home til end of August.
Though, my very open schedule will be presumably busy because I just got a job working at Fairytale Town! It may just be part-time, but goodness am I excited! It could not be a more perfect job for me.
I've been working there for about a week now and it's been a blast. Sure I've mostly been in the Cafe the whole time but I got to do a birthday party last weekend and I get to do two more this weekend! For the first birthday party I got to dress up as Alice in Wonderland. (It may or may not have been the only costume that fit me...Everyone else there that does birthday parties is either a lot taller or shorter than me! I'm like average!) It's going to be a lot of fun this summer. I may get stuck working in the cafe a lot but hey, I'm getting paid. If making snow cones is what I do all summer, it doesn't bother me. I get to put a smile on a little kid's face (a smile and all that snow cone dye ends up all over their face as well!)
I finally have gotten to spend time with Hannah and Ian since I've been home. Just have to get Adriana back here and the gang is back! I can't wait for the rest of my friends to get home too. It'll be nice to see all the rest of their beautiful faces (:
It's back to Skype dates every night with Jordan, Dutch Bros, Bubble Tea, Taco Truck, Video Games (Ahem...Minecraft), Rat Slap, and other various adventures! Can't wait for this summer (: Oh and my birthday!
Monday, April 15, 2013
Under the Radar
I'm not missing in action, I promise. I'm alive. I've just been flying under that radar because I've been so freaking busy.
Yes. I've been spending what time I have with Jordan....THOUGH. I get all my homework done.
Like last Wednesday, I got all of my homework done so I could spend time with him... that was 3 out of my 4 essays (one was due on Monday so I had the weekend to do it) And so we could fly my rubber band plane! (Yes, I'm a four year old at heart. Leave me alone). He also sits there patiently while I work sometimes. Just plays his Iphone games for hours while I sit and study. But it's been fun having him here in Provo. Nice to have something to do other than lay in bed watching shows after I finish all my homework.
Besides playing with his Iphone (we're addicted to 4 pics and 1 word...we're on level 480) ...We've been doing a lot of cooking! We made fried chicken, chicken noodle soup, a pot roast.We're sorta pros. It's all been really yummy. Oh and we bake at least once a week!
We rented a puppy on Saturday. His name was Miles. He was a bit crazy. He scratched me up pretty good, but he finally fell asleep in my arms. Jordan said he smelled bad but I thought he smelled good, puppy breath and all (:
I performed in the Ward Talent Show. Video to come. I played my uke and kazoo (made a kazoo holder...out of a coat hanger) It was great. I messed up quite a bit because I was so tired from the kazoo playing but it was fun (: I played Colors by April Smith. (She's my go to music artist because her songs are so fun).
Finals week is here...This is all I have to say about them.... A video from Divine Comedy...
Time to start getting ready to head back home though.
I'm applying for summer jobs as of now. I've got some opportunities that I'm going to apply for so I'm crossing my fingers I get something lined up soon! I've already got one interview I'm looking forward to! (:
The countdown begins. I'll be home in 11 days? That number may depend, could be less. BUT SOON! And I'm excited. I'll miss everyone here. Especially since most of my friends are leaving on missions. However, I can't wait to see my family, Marley, my friends (the ones that will be home...which is like 2 people) It'll be nice to have my own room again. Oh and homecooked meals, not just pasta...and pizza...Not have any homework to worry about. Just got to worry about getting a job and that's something I REALLY WANT! Those are my only plans for the summer...Besides my birthday...I've got about 4 months before that. Oh and camping at Casini Ranch during Memorial Day Weekend as always (:
Can't wait to be back in California where there is no snow in the Valley! (:

Like last Wednesday, I got all of my homework done so I could spend time with him... that was 3 out of my 4 essays (one was due on Monday so I had the weekend to do it) And so we could fly my rubber band plane! (Yes, I'm a four year old at heart. Leave me alone). He also sits there patiently while I work sometimes. Just plays his Iphone games for hours while I sit and study. But it's been fun having him here in Provo. Nice to have something to do other than lay in bed watching shows after I finish all my homework.
Besides playing with his Iphone (we're addicted to 4 pics and 1 word...we're on level 480) ...We've been doing a lot of cooking! We made fried chicken, chicken noodle soup, a pot roast.We're sorta pros. It's all been really yummy. Oh and we bake at least once a week!

I performed in the Ward Talent Show. Video to come. I played my uke and kazoo (made a kazoo holder...out of a coat hanger) It was great. I messed up quite a bit because I was so tired from the kazoo playing but it was fun (: I played Colors by April Smith. (She's my go to music artist because her songs are so fun).
Finals week is here...This is all I have to say about them.... A video from Divine Comedy...
Time to start getting ready to head back home though.
I'm applying for summer jobs as of now. I've got some opportunities that I'm going to apply for so I'm crossing my fingers I get something lined up soon! I've already got one interview I'm looking forward to! (:
The countdown begins. I'll be home in 11 days? That number may depend, could be less. BUT SOON! And I'm excited. I'll miss everyone here. Especially since most of my friends are leaving on missions. However, I can't wait to see my family, Marley, my friends (the ones that will be home...which is like 2 people) It'll be nice to have my own room again. Oh and homecooked meals, not just pasta...and pizza...Not have any homework to worry about. Just got to worry about getting a job and that's something I REALLY WANT! Those are my only plans for the summer...Besides my birthday...I've got about 4 months before that. Oh and camping at Casini Ranch during Memorial Day Weekend as always (:
Can't wait to be back in California where there is no snow in the Valley! (:
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Hello Mr. Sun
Oh it is a beautiful day in the neighborhood (:
It's so nice to finally see the sun today and just wear a thin sweater and not be hot or cold, but just perfect! You can eat lunch outside, and actually feel your face start to get a little pink because it hasn't seen the sun in a few, what seems decades, months.
Lately, I've been swell!
Got a care package from the family with enough snacks to get me through the rest of the semester, a new cardigan and fun little stress ball toys with Got Milk stamped on them and smiley faces with milk mustaches! Those little stress balls have come in handy, except we all here at 217 seem to like to throw them at each other.
Was fed dinner by a family from church. Lasagna, french bread, salad and brownies...Oh Heaven! (I cannot wait to go home for home cooked meals!)
Met with an advisor for my major. Seems as though they've changed the requirements for the major so not only am I taking my Special Education classes but I have to take some Elementary Ed classes and they are making me do a English Language Learners minor. Should be good! I'm still really excited for this major.
Got my finger prints taken! Oh what an experience that was...
Yeah so, taking finger prints can be tricky. I mean, they have to all match up correctly or it doesn't process. Especially if you do the live scan stuff...Well, my pinky (one that I happened to have broken before and won't straighten anymore) gave the poor guy doing my prints a real hard time. For some reason, the computer didn't like any of the prints he took. I felt really bad, he was getting so frustrated! Not much I could do though, my pinky really just didn't want to flatten correctly on the scanner.

In other news from today, this morning was quite fun. Marcie, Natalie, Kamden and I all were up at the same time and going crazy. Blasting music, joking around, laughing. (Mind you Lauren and Karina were still sleeping). We got all ready to go then walked to class together. People also on their way to class probably thought we were nutz. Well we are...but it was still a blast. I love these girlies.
Jordan and I got to eat lunch outside today. Then we went up to the fourth floor overlook on the JFSB, looked over the quad area and people watched. It was quite grand. Eventually though it did get a little warm so we went in the shade to take some silly pictures. (This is what we do on a normal day)
Ever since Jordan got an IPhone, I've been making him share it with me...A LOT. I very much love taking pictures of him when he's not expecting it or really ridiculous pictures of us. He's not too fond of it. I bother him to Instagram things, especially the ridiculous pictures, and play Fruit Ninja. But hey, he needed me to help him figure it out initially. He was not Iphone savvy until I helped him out(:
Now for the rest of today I've got some homework to do, not much thankfully because Tuesdays and Thursdays are easy days, then we've got date night! Taqueria and an open mic night! Should be grand.
All is well here in the bubble. But I really am counting down the days til I get to go home. Miss my fam! And my doggy. My friends. Privileges of driving when I need to run errands. REAL FOOD.
Still looking for jobs. Let me know if you know of anywhere that is looking for a hard working, eager to help young adult to work for them!
Hugs and Love to Cali (:
It's so nice to finally see the sun today and just wear a thin sweater and not be hot or cold, but just perfect! You can eat lunch outside, and actually feel your face start to get a little pink because it hasn't seen the sun in a few, what seems decades, months.
Lately, I've been swell!
Got a care package from the family with enough snacks to get me through the rest of the semester, a new cardigan and fun little stress ball toys with Got Milk stamped on them and smiley faces with milk mustaches! Those little stress balls have come in handy, except we all here at 217 seem to like to throw them at each other.
Was fed dinner by a family from church. Lasagna, french bread, salad and brownies...Oh Heaven! (I cannot wait to go home for home cooked meals!)
Met with an advisor for my major. Seems as though they've changed the requirements for the major so not only am I taking my Special Education classes but I have to take some Elementary Ed classes and they are making me do a English Language Learners minor. Should be good! I'm still really excited for this major.
Got my finger prints taken! Oh what an experience that was...
Yeah so, taking finger prints can be tricky. I mean, they have to all match up correctly or it doesn't process. Especially if you do the live scan stuff...Well, my pinky (one that I happened to have broken before and won't straighten anymore) gave the poor guy doing my prints a real hard time. For some reason, the computer didn't like any of the prints he took. I felt really bad, he was getting so frustrated! Not much I could do though, my pinky really just didn't want to flatten correctly on the scanner.

In other news from today, this morning was quite fun. Marcie, Natalie, Kamden and I all were up at the same time and going crazy. Blasting music, joking around, laughing. (Mind you Lauren and Karina were still sleeping). We got all ready to go then walked to class together. People also on their way to class probably thought we were nutz. Well we are...but it was still a blast. I love these girlies.
Jordan and I got to eat lunch outside today. Then we went up to the fourth floor overlook on the JFSB, looked over the quad area and people watched. It was quite grand. Eventually though it did get a little warm so we went in the shade to take some silly pictures. (This is what we do on a normal day)
Ever since Jordan got an IPhone, I've been making him share it with me...A LOT. I very much love taking pictures of him when he's not expecting it or really ridiculous pictures of us. He's not too fond of it. I bother him to Instagram things, especially the ridiculous pictures, and play Fruit Ninja. But hey, he needed me to help him figure it out initially. He was not Iphone savvy until I helped him out(:
Now for the rest of today I've got some homework to do, not much thankfully because Tuesdays and Thursdays are easy days, then we've got date night! Taqueria and an open mic night! Should be grand.
All is well here in the bubble. But I really am counting down the days til I get to go home. Miss my fam! And my doggy. My friends. Privileges of driving when I need to run errands. REAL FOOD.
Still looking for jobs. Let me know if you know of anywhere that is looking for a hard working, eager to help young adult to work for them!
Hugs and Love to Cali (:
Are we not models?
Jordan is going to hate me for posting this picture, but I adore it!
Jordan is going to hate me for posting this picture, but I adore it!
Friday, March 22, 2013
I'm just a little black rain cloud...
So you got the April showers bring May flowers. But what does March Snow bring? I'd like to know because it makes me very unhappy. At least it's sunny right now, and actually sorta warm.
^It's Bipolar.
Anyways, these last two weeks have been grand. I've been very busy with school, church activities, and Jordan being here. It's nice to not be in bed on a weeknights just watching my shows after all my homework is done. It's been fun! Like we celebrated Pi day last week, watch Les Mis, went bowling, we've gone to a yummy taqueria, made cinnamon rolls from scratch. It's been an adventure! (:
In other news, if you haven't seen my Facebook status from today, I changed my major from Biology to Special Education officially today! I've been trying to decide if I really wanted to do this but I'm really excited with my decision. I haven't decided if I want to do Mild/Moderate or Severe Disabilities but I will soon! (Mild and Moderate disabilities would be like working with kids in a resource room, Serve would be children with Downs, severe autism, or cerebral palsy, etc.) Both sound amazing and rewarding! It's going to be grand (:
I am really excited to come home in a few weeks. Not that I am not loving BYU and all my friends here, but I miss home, my family, the ocean, driving, FRESH CHEAP PRODUCE THAT ISN'T MOLDY THE DAY AFTER I BUY IT, and of course my crazy friends. I'm not sure how thrilled I am to be going home for 4 months but I WILL get a job. I WANT A JOB. PLEASE EMPLOY ME. Office work, dish washing, nanny, PLEASE. I want to work! I want money yes, but I want to be busy this summer!
Yes, I'm desperate.
But life here is good. I'm currently making toaster strudel, or poptarts whichever they end up looking more like, for my girls. We're gonna go get Happy Meals (Because we can) and have a movie night. It'll be fun (:
I love life!
Sending love to California (:
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Productive Procrastination
So I'm writing this blog right now because I'm trying to rid myself of terrible writer's block...or procrastination. One of the two.
I only have to write my American Heritage essay. That is my last assignment for the rest of the week. (Except for some like weekly attendance and reflection things from my religion classes) Sooooo, I'm having trouble getting words that are actually history related, flowing in my brain. So I word vomit...Seems productive.
Anyways. This week has been really good. The weather has been amazing. SUNSHINE! Once again. I missed the sun. I really did. I missed the warmth. I'M WEARING FLIP FLOPS! It's wonderful. I've laid outside and done homework. Today, Jordan and I ate lunch outside after class. It's so nice that Spring is finally deciding to make an appearance.
Oh yeah, Jordan is here. He moved down here for the next 2 months for work! Yes. I'm one happy girl. Yes. I've actually been getting homework done. I've actually been very productive. Passed my Geology test! Not with flying colors...but did waaaay better than last time. Plus it's curved! I've gotten all my homework done on time, and have even caught up with all my homework from last week after being sick. YEAH. I've been doing pretty good with keeping on top of things (:
What else is new...Oh! I've found an internship program that I REALLY want to do. You go to Romania to work in an orphanage and hospitals with abandoned children with special needs. Perfect for me, right? It's 3 months out of the year. Gosh. I want to go. I've talked to multiple people who have gone, it sounds amaaaaazing. I could get an extra boost to my resume, learn some basic Romanian, help children, and travel. AHHHH! :D
Yeah, I'm changing my major to Special Education: Mild and Moderate disabilities and then doing a minor in Psychology. (:
I'm really happy, if you couldn't tell. It's sunny outside. I can wear flip-flops again. Jordan is here. I've been getting a ton of work done. And I've found a major that I believe will be perfect for me. I'm all smiles (:
Plus, I just ate a box of Junior Mints...that could be contributing to my good mood (:
I send my love to California from here in Utah! 6 weeks til I'm home!! Can't wait.
I only have to write my American Heritage essay. That is my last assignment for the rest of the week. (Except for some like weekly attendance and reflection things from my religion classes) Sooooo, I'm having trouble getting words that are actually history related, flowing in my brain. So I word vomit...Seems productive.
Anyways. This week has been really good. The weather has been amazing. SUNSHINE! Once again. I missed the sun. I really did. I missed the warmth. I'M WEARING FLIP FLOPS! It's wonderful. I've laid outside and done homework. Today, Jordan and I ate lunch outside after class. It's so nice that Spring is finally deciding to make an appearance.
Oh yeah, Jordan is here. He moved down here for the next 2 months for work! Yes. I'm one happy girl. Yes. I've actually been getting homework done. I've actually been very productive. Passed my Geology test! Not with flying colors...but did waaaay better than last time. Plus it's curved! I've gotten all my homework done on time, and have even caught up with all my homework from last week after being sick. YEAH. I've been doing pretty good with keeping on top of things (:
What else is new...Oh! I've found an internship program that I REALLY want to do. You go to Romania to work in an orphanage and hospitals with abandoned children with special needs. Perfect for me, right? It's 3 months out of the year. Gosh. I want to go. I've talked to multiple people who have gone, it sounds amaaaaazing. I could get an extra boost to my resume, learn some basic Romanian, help children, and travel. AHHHH! :D
Yeah, I'm changing my major to Special Education: Mild and Moderate disabilities and then doing a minor in Psychology. (:
I'm really happy, if you couldn't tell. It's sunny outside. I can wear flip-flops again. Jordan is here. I've been getting a ton of work done. And I've found a major that I believe will be perfect for me. I'm all smiles (:
Plus, I just ate a box of Junior Mints...that could be contributing to my good mood (:
I send my love to California from here in Utah! 6 weeks til I'm home!! Can't wait.
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Mountains, not Mole Hills.
The last few days have been pretty rough.
Sunday, I was very sick. I played tennis on Saturday night in the cold and my body did not like that one bit. I was achey all day on Sunday and ended up in bed that night with the chills and a 102 fever. Thank goodness for my roommates who came to the rescue. They alerted the whole ward of my sudden sickness, but Marcie got a thermometer and then Lauren, Natalie and her went to get me gatorade and popsicles in hopes that both could help break my fever.
Thankfully, even though I didn't want everyone to know I was sick, Aubrey came by to bring me some saltines and soup. I got a few texts from people in the ward asking about me. Our FHE boys came by to give me a blessing. I felt pretty loved even though I was a hot mess (literally).
Monday, I skipped morning class and slept, and slept and slept. I kept trying to go to class each time, it just wasn't happening. I eventually went to a later lecture for American Heritage at 2, then a Psych review at 3. Took my Psych quiz, got a 100%. Best part of the day.
Later, we had FHE. We celebrated Kam's birthday with our huge family and played Catch Phrase. I ended the night with the chills again. Thankful that Kam took care of me, even though it was her birthday (:
Tuesday, got up and took a shower. So tired and a 101 degree fever put me back into bed. I didn't go to any of my classes. However, I did eventually get moving so I could walk alll the waaay across campus and down the huge hill to sign my first apartment contract. That was pretty exciting. Took forever to read it all through but it's done. I finally don't have to stress about it anymore. I have a place to live!
Then I went to the creamery to pick up "sick" food. Otherwise known as: mac and cheese, cereal, bread for toast, PB&Js, and Grilled Cheeses, soup and chicken nuggets. Easy food that doesn't take a ton of effort.
I spent the rest of the day in bed resting and occasionally falling asleep. Then my 102 fever made a come back and I felt absolutely awful yet again. Thankful that my roommates were there but I have to admit, just because I'm at college that doesn't mean I don't want my parents to be here to take care of me when I'm miserable. So yes, I called my parents crying. Sue me for breaking my adult streak. It sucks not having my family close.
Wednesday, I'm feeling better. I went to two of my morning classes and I'm going to a late lecture for American Heritage. While i'm feeling better I need to take care of business and do some laundry and homework that I've put off. Thankfully it's a beautiful day so that's definitely helping. But I'm still exhausted.
My favorite sunglasses snapped though. I could have cried. Time to go to Forever 21 and get the most obnoxiously colored pair they have to make up for my loss of my crazy-purple-floral patterned ones. But that is a mole hill.
The rest of these problems are been pretty mountain-y.
And besides being sick, the roughest part of this week would have to be the loss of my Great Grandmother, Berta. She finally got to "go home" like she wanted, after being so confused and ill for quite sometime. It's wonderful to know she's at peace and can be with other lost family members again. Though, I know it's been hard on the rest of my family. I wish I could be with you guys right now. I love you all so much.
Sunday, I was very sick. I played tennis on Saturday night in the cold and my body did not like that one bit. I was achey all day on Sunday and ended up in bed that night with the chills and a 102 fever. Thank goodness for my roommates who came to the rescue. They alerted the whole ward of my sudden sickness, but Marcie got a thermometer and then Lauren, Natalie and her went to get me gatorade and popsicles in hopes that both could help break my fever.
Thankfully, even though I didn't want everyone to know I was sick, Aubrey came by to bring me some saltines and soup. I got a few texts from people in the ward asking about me. Our FHE boys came by to give me a blessing. I felt pretty loved even though I was a hot mess (literally).
Monday, I skipped morning class and slept, and slept and slept. I kept trying to go to class each time, it just wasn't happening. I eventually went to a later lecture for American Heritage at 2, then a Psych review at 3. Took my Psych quiz, got a 100%. Best part of the day.
Later, we had FHE. We celebrated Kam's birthday with our huge family and played Catch Phrase. I ended the night with the chills again. Thankful that Kam took care of me, even though it was her birthday (:
Tuesday, got up and took a shower. So tired and a 101 degree fever put me back into bed. I didn't go to any of my classes. However, I did eventually get moving so I could walk alll the waaay across campus and down the huge hill to sign my first apartment contract. That was pretty exciting. Took forever to read it all through but it's done. I finally don't have to stress about it anymore. I have a place to live!
Then I went to the creamery to pick up "sick" food. Otherwise known as: mac and cheese, cereal, bread for toast, PB&Js, and Grilled Cheeses, soup and chicken nuggets. Easy food that doesn't take a ton of effort.
I spent the rest of the day in bed resting and occasionally falling asleep. Then my 102 fever made a come back and I felt absolutely awful yet again. Thankful that my roommates were there but I have to admit, just because I'm at college that doesn't mean I don't want my parents to be here to take care of me when I'm miserable. So yes, I called my parents crying. Sue me for breaking my adult streak. It sucks not having my family close.
Wednesday, I'm feeling better. I went to two of my morning classes and I'm going to a late lecture for American Heritage. While i'm feeling better I need to take care of business and do some laundry and homework that I've put off. Thankfully it's a beautiful day so that's definitely helping. But I'm still exhausted.
My favorite sunglasses snapped though. I could have cried. Time to go to Forever 21 and get the most obnoxiously colored pair they have to make up for my loss of my crazy-purple-floral patterned ones. But that is a mole hill.
The rest of these problems are been pretty mountain-y.
And besides being sick, the roughest part of this week would have to be the loss of my Great Grandmother, Berta. She finally got to "go home" like she wanted, after being so confused and ill for quite sometime. It's wonderful to know she's at peace and can be with other lost family members again. Though, I know it's been hard on the rest of my family. I wish I could be with you guys right now. I love you all so much.
Friday, February 22, 2013
Constant Dialogue
My head is a weird place. I seriously have the weirdest conversations with myself. I'm sure I'm not the only one. But today, today I was on a roll. I felt so freaking hilarious. Yeah, that's a little vain but really. I did.
So here you go. Here is a glimpse into my mind from today, story like.
***Start scene in bed. Alarm goes off at 7:45am***
No. I'm sleeping.
*5 minutes later*
I can hit it again, it's only 7:50.
Okay, I'm awake. I'll just lay here though.
Hah pinterest. Me: I really can't stay. bed: But baby it's cold outside. AMEN.
Oh, I should look outside...WHAT?! (Outloud) "Cool." It's snowing. It's really snowing.
I need to get in the shower. I'm not washing my hair. Pony tail today. Walking to class with wet hair equals frozen hair. One of these days it's going to just break off....
*Fast Forward to breakfast*
YES. Cinnamon Life. Ahh Fatty has her box up on the fridge too. Aww crap, I just poured cereal from her box...Oh well, I'll beg for forgiveness. She can have a bowl from my box. Or I could pour cereal from my box in hers...Okay, I only have a little bit of milk...oh. I have a lot more than I thought...Add more cereal! Crap. Nat's box again.
*Fast Forward to leaving for class*
I look like a marshmallow. A burnt marshmallow. Freak, it's cold. Is that guy really going to try to ride his bike in the snow? He's so going to fall. Woah, I'm going to fall. Pay attention to feet. Stare straight down at them. Concentrate on every step. DON'T STEP ON THE WHITE CROSS WALK LINES. YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO FALL. THERE IS NO TIME. Hah that girl fell. Her butt is all wet. Crap, you slid. PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR FEET. Maybe if I shuffled it's be easier. Nope. Failed. Almost to class. Why does it have to be so far? Can't people just walk with the flow of traffic? Nope. That'd be too easy.
I'll sit here there is only one other girl...Woah. Death stare. Sorry for sitting in your row girl. I didn't know it was off limits. Do I move? No. She can deal. Do I offend? Teeth are brushed and deodorant was applied. If I smile at her she'll probably think I'm a freak. I'll just get my computer out and stare at the front of the class...Yeah. Nope. She still hates me.
*Walking through WILK after class*
Walk by the people with flyers without making eye contact, walk fast like you're on a mission. Hah mission accomplished. No flyers in hand.
Yeah, I have no idea what is wrong with me.
Anyways, thought that would be a fun change of pace. This week has been rough. It'd really help if it STOPPED SNOWING. I want some nice Spring Weather. Though, this Cali Girl has been changed. I walked around in jeans, boots, Tshirt and a thin 30 degree weather. I wasn't cold.
Still missing the California Sunshine. A LOT. I'm so freaking pale!
Oh and this is what I found on Pinterest...
P.S. Still looking for a job in California for when I get back in May! Please let me know if you guys know of anywhere that would be willing to hire a poor, hard working college student for 4 months (:
So here you go. Here is a glimpse into my mind from today, story like.
***Start scene in bed. Alarm goes off at 7:45am***
No. I'm sleeping.
*5 minutes later*
I can hit it again, it's only 7:50.
Okay, I'm awake. I'll just lay here though.
Hah pinterest. Me: I really can't stay. bed: But baby it's cold outside. AMEN.
Oh, I should look outside...WHAT?! (Outloud) "Cool." It's snowing. It's really snowing.
I need to get in the shower. I'm not washing my hair. Pony tail today. Walking to class with wet hair equals frozen hair. One of these days it's going to just break off....
*Fast Forward to breakfast*
YES. Cinnamon Life. Ahh Fatty has her box up on the fridge too. Aww crap, I just poured cereal from her box...Oh well, I'll beg for forgiveness. She can have a bowl from my box. Or I could pour cereal from my box in hers...Okay, I only have a little bit of milk...oh. I have a lot more than I thought...Add more cereal! Crap. Nat's box again.
*Fast Forward to leaving for class*
I look like a marshmallow. A burnt marshmallow. Freak, it's cold. Is that guy really going to try to ride his bike in the snow? He's so going to fall. Woah, I'm going to fall. Pay attention to feet. Stare straight down at them. Concentrate on every step. DON'T STEP ON THE WHITE CROSS WALK LINES. YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO FALL. THERE IS NO TIME. Hah that girl fell. Her butt is all wet. Crap, you slid. PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR FEET. Maybe if I shuffled it's be easier. Nope. Failed. Almost to class. Why does it have to be so far? Can't people just walk with the flow of traffic? Nope. That'd be too easy.
I'll sit here there is only one other girl...Woah. Death stare. Sorry for sitting in your row girl. I didn't know it was off limits. Do I move? No. She can deal. Do I offend? Teeth are brushed and deodorant was applied. If I smile at her she'll probably think I'm a freak. I'll just get my computer out and stare at the front of the class...Yeah. Nope. She still hates me.
*Walking through WILK after class*
Walk by the people with flyers without making eye contact, walk fast like you're on a mission. Hah mission accomplished. No flyers in hand.
Yeah, I have no idea what is wrong with me.
Anyways, thought that would be a fun change of pace. This week has been rough. It'd really help if it STOPPED SNOWING. I want some nice Spring Weather. Though, this Cali Girl has been changed. I walked around in jeans, boots, Tshirt and a thin 30 degree weather. I wasn't cold.
Still missing the California Sunshine. A LOT. I'm so freaking pale!
Oh and this is what I found on Pinterest...
Monday, February 18, 2013
Mutual Weirdness
So Jordan came to visit this weekend...
As most of you could tell by my lack of existence on Twitter, posts of Facebook, and lack of appearance near Heritage Halls.
It was a great 5 days. No...It was an amazing 5 days. It was so fun. We just have too much fun together.
He may have came down to train for his summer job but we spent most of the time he was here together, being silly, taking webcam pictures, cooking, watching movies, taking walks back and forth from my apartment to where he was staying (In the FREEZING COLD). It was quite eventful.
Wednesday, he trained most of the day. We hung out for a bit after my classes and homework then went out to dinner with his manager for his summer job. Mimi's Cafe! I finally got to eat a salad. I was in Heaven...until my jaw started to hurt. Then we went grocery shopping. And ended the night with an episode of Psych.
Thursday, or Valentine's Day to some. Jordan ended up coming to my Marriage and Family class before he went to training for the day (I didn't invite him to Geology because that would have been boooring. My professor in M&F is hilarious) It was quite the interesting class to say the least... Later he came over and we made Spaghetti, Caesar Salad and Flaky Rolls! We exchanged gifts. I got Chocolate Covered Pomegranate seeds and a Thermal Teddy Bear! I got him the spiffiest tie ever! (he helped picked it out though...)
I worked on my American Heritage essay as he cleaned the kitchen (he likes cleaning, I didn't just make him do it). Then we baked cookies for s'mores! Yes. S'mores.
We were going to make s'mores at the apartment he was staying at because it had a fireplace buuuuuttt...Jordan and his friend, Jared, started the fire but they didn't open the damper. (LIKE I TOLD THEM TO) Sooo the whole apartment filled with smoke and soon enough all the windows and doors were open as the smoke detectors were screaming "FIRE FIRE" at us. It was quite the adventure. In the process of all that and putting out the fire...Jared burnt himself so we had to go to the grocery store to get burn cream...and purchase like 5 air fresheners for the apartment...everything smelled like smoke.
We did end up making s'mores with the cookies (in substitute as graham crackers) but just cooked the marshmallows on the stove. That had to be the most eventful day of them all.
Friday, Jordan went to Gym Kids with me after class. It was a blast! Then we went to Subway with Reilly and his girlfriend, Courtney. (Subway, a tradition we had to honor) Then we went to the Temple for a couple hours. Came back and got ready to go to Jared's show at The Wall.
It was great! First off, The Wall is equivalent to like a bar or club, but Mormon. Like really. It was actually really cool. Second, Jared is in the band Red Yeti and they are really good. They did a great opening set for the night. It was way fun! The rest of the night Jordan and I spent watching movies and hanging out with the rest of the boys from the apartment when they got home for the night.
Saturday, We went for a walk to the Bell Tower. Went out to Lunch with a couple Jordan knew from his mission. Made Pico De Gallo, Jordan's recipe. (I just about died it was so spicy.) Went out to dinner at J-dawgs with some of his friends from home who live up here. Then hung out with the boys at the apartment the rest of the night. Oh and watched Fox and the Hound!
Sunday, Jordan came to a very interesting day at church with me. We made banana and chocolate chip pancakes for dinner. Jared decided to put cheese and cheetos in his too, just to experiment. Then we watched funny videos on youtube for a few hours. Like most of the night actually. Then watched a movie.
Now today he's back on his way to Washington. Yes, we are Facebook Official now. Yes. There are really stupid pictures of us both (Some cute ones too) on Facebook. And yes, I do miss him. Weirdly enough, I was way more focused on my school work when he was here.... Except for trying to do my American Heritage essay because that was already a really tough battle to begin with.
But yeah, it was the Perfect Weekend. I'm one happy girl (:
Time to get back to reality. School starts tomorrow and I've got two quizzes this week. BLEH.
As most of you could tell by my lack of existence on Twitter, posts of Facebook, and lack of appearance near Heritage Halls.
It was a great 5 days. No...It was an amazing 5 days. It was so fun. We just have too much fun together.
He may have came down to train for his summer job but we spent most of the time he was here together, being silly, taking webcam pictures, cooking, watching movies, taking walks back and forth from my apartment to where he was staying (In the FREEZING COLD). It was quite eventful.
Wednesday, he trained most of the day. We hung out for a bit after my classes and homework then went out to dinner with his manager for his summer job. Mimi's Cafe! I finally got to eat a salad. I was in Heaven...until my jaw started to hurt. Then we went grocery shopping. And ended the night with an episode of Psych.
I worked on my American Heritage essay as he cleaned the kitchen (he likes cleaning, I didn't just make him do it). Then we baked cookies for s'mores! Yes. S'mores.
We were going to make s'mores at the apartment he was staying at because it had a fireplace buuuuuttt...Jordan and his friend, Jared, started the fire but they didn't open the damper. (LIKE I TOLD THEM TO) Sooo the whole apartment filled with smoke and soon enough all the windows and doors were open as the smoke detectors were screaming "FIRE FIRE" at us. It was quite the adventure. In the process of all that and putting out the fire...Jared burnt himself so we had to go to the grocery store to get burn cream...and purchase like 5 air fresheners for the apartment...everything smelled like smoke.
We did end up making s'mores with the cookies (in substitute as graham crackers) but just cooked the marshmallows on the stove. That had to be the most eventful day of them all.
Friday, Jordan went to Gym Kids with me after class. It was a blast! Then we went to Subway with Reilly and his girlfriend, Courtney. (Subway, a tradition we had to honor) Then we went to the Temple for a couple hours. Came back and got ready to go to Jared's show at The Wall.
It was great! First off, The Wall is equivalent to like a bar or club, but Mormon. Like really. It was actually really cool. Second, Jared is in the band Red Yeti and they are really good. They did a great opening set for the night. It was way fun! The rest of the night Jordan and I spent watching movies and hanging out with the rest of the boys from the apartment when they got home for the night.
Saturday, We went for a walk to the Bell Tower. Went out to Lunch with a couple Jordan knew from his mission. Made Pico De Gallo, Jordan's recipe. (I just about died it was so spicy.) Went out to dinner at J-dawgs with some of his friends from home who live up here. Then hung out with the boys at the apartment the rest of the night. Oh and watched Fox and the Hound!
Sunday, Jordan came to a very interesting day at church with me. We made banana and chocolate chip pancakes for dinner. Jared decided to put cheese and cheetos in his too, just to experiment. Then we watched funny videos on youtube for a few hours. Like most of the night actually. Then watched a movie.
Now today he's back on his way to Washington. Yes, we are Facebook Official now. Yes. There are really stupid pictures of us both (Some cute ones too) on Facebook. And yes, I do miss him. Weirdly enough, I was way more focused on my school work when he was here.... Except for trying to do my American Heritage essay because that was already a really tough battle to begin with.
But yeah, it was the Perfect Weekend. I'm one happy girl (:
Time to get back to reality. School starts tomorrow and I've got two quizzes this week. BLEH.
Saturday, February 9, 2013
Stress Mess
Oh what a week.
Busy busy busy.
Two tests. Tons of homework. Doctor's appointment. Job applications. Off campus housing searching.
It never ends.
I took my American Heritage test. Not as bad as everyone makes them seem. After only studying for like 30 minutes, I still passed. Not a great score but I know that if I actually apply myself and study, I'm going to do better (:
My geology test was another story. Seriously, I dislike this class. It isn't as bad as chemistry. It's just so boring. Rocks. And more rocks. Boooooooooo. I didn't do well on the test but mostly because I didn't know what kinds of stuff I was supposed to know. Now that I know it's not an "applying concepts" test, and more "know all the vocabulary words and types of rocks" test, I will be able to do a lot better....Also stay on top of my reading...
I had so much homework this week on top of my tests. It seemed never ending. I think the teachers that don't get tests certain weeks collaborate with those that do and scheme against their students...They are out to get us!
Just kidding...sorta.
I got to go to the doctor this week. Finally gave in and went to see the doctor about my jaw pain. Yay for TMJ! (Temporomandibular joint) So I've got some stretches for my jaw and some awesome anti-inflammatory pain meds that make me hungry ALL THE TIME. Weird I know.
But yes. That's been my week. This weekend will be just as busy. I'm trying to get all my homework done before Jordan comes to visit this week! He'll be here for work training but he'll be staying longer to spend time with me! I can't wait (: It'll be a good three-day-weekend!
Sorry for the lame blog, figured I'd keep you updated though. I've been trying to be better about writing but it's not working.
So as a reward for reading this sad excuse of a post, here is a video of me making a fool of myself...wait till the very end... that's the best part. Kinda....
Busy busy busy.
Two tests. Tons of homework. Doctor's appointment. Job applications. Off campus housing searching.
It never ends.
I took my American Heritage test. Not as bad as everyone makes them seem. After only studying for like 30 minutes, I still passed. Not a great score but I know that if I actually apply myself and study, I'm going to do better (:
My geology test was another story. Seriously, I dislike this class. It isn't as bad as chemistry. It's just so boring. Rocks. And more rocks. Boooooooooo. I didn't do well on the test but mostly because I didn't know what kinds of stuff I was supposed to know. Now that I know it's not an "applying concepts" test, and more "know all the vocabulary words and types of rocks" test, I will be able to do a lot better....Also stay on top of my reading...
I had so much homework this week on top of my tests. It seemed never ending. I think the teachers that don't get tests certain weeks collaborate with those that do and scheme against their students...They are out to get us!
Just kidding...sorta.
I got to go to the doctor this week. Finally gave in and went to see the doctor about my jaw pain. Yay for TMJ! (Temporomandibular joint) So I've got some stretches for my jaw and some awesome anti-inflammatory pain meds that make me hungry ALL THE TIME. Weird I know.
Anyways, I've been doing tons of job applications, and working on one for when I get home. Still no luck. I want a job. I want money. I'm a broke college student. I need to eat!
If anyone knows of jobs I can apply for this Summer, please let me know! I will be home from the end of April to the end of August. I need to work!
Moving on...trying to look at the off campus housing for next year made my brain hurt. I looked at so many different websites and pictures and brochures....BLEH. I've found one place that I'm pretty settled on but we'll see. I'm still looking. Ergh.
If anyone knows of jobs I can apply for this Summer, please let me know! I will be home from the end of April to the end of August. I need to work!
Moving on...trying to look at the off campus housing for next year made my brain hurt. I looked at so many different websites and pictures and brochures....BLEH. I've found one place that I'm pretty settled on but we'll see. I'm still looking. Ergh.
But yes. That's been my week. This weekend will be just as busy. I'm trying to get all my homework done before Jordan comes to visit this week! He'll be here for work training but he'll be staying longer to spend time with me! I can't wait (: It'll be a good three-day-weekend!
Sorry for the lame blog, figured I'd keep you updated though. I've been trying to be better about writing but it's not working.
So as a reward for reading this sad excuse of a post, here is a video of me making a fool of myself...wait till the very end... that's the best part. Kinda....
Friday, February 1, 2013
Surviving the Snow and a Cold
This last week has been rough. I've been fighting a cold since last Friday. However, I am happy to say I'm feeling my best today! After a few days of coughing and sneezing, a bunch of allergy medicine and half a box of tissues.....I'm finally recovering and smiling again. Not totally miserable. YAY!
This is what I got to see when I walked up the stairs of death (Or simple the stairs leading up from the RB/Fieldhouse) after Gym Kids. It was so pretty. I wasn't able to completely enjoy it though because I was out of breathe because 1. I'm still sick and my nose was giving me a hard time 2. The RB stairs kill me EVERYTIME.
Since yesterday and today have been the only days I've been feeling well, I actually did things! Sorta...
Yesterday, Kam and I were just going crazy. We were not being productive but it was so fun. I love having fun roommates. Roommates that put up with my obnoxiousness but at the same time are just as loud. It's just always a party. (Especially since it was Thursday night...Oh Party Thursdays!)
Today, I was done with class at 11 but went to Gym Kids. I got to hang out with the cutest little girl, *Sarah*. She had just learned to walk a few months ago so she had a death grip on my hand and we just walked around the gym, did laps the whole time. I talked to her and though she might not have understood much of what I was saying, she laughed and smiled at me and at everything that was going on in that crazy gym. There were 80 kids there today! It was nuts. For some reason, there were rolls of toilet paper there for the kids to play with. There were a ton of volunteers, and even kids, running around like mummies! The gym was a disaster after the hour. It was wonderful (:
The rest of today is being spent doing homework. I had a review session on campus at 2, so I went to that, then took my Psych test. I got another A (: Then stayed on campus to be productive. So far it's been going well. One section of Geology done and read, only 5 more to finish before next Friday's test!
I've got two tests next week! It's going to be crazy.
This weekend, I don't know what we will end up doing. I know I have to read 6 total chapters of Geology (an "incredibly fascinating" subject. HAHAH! funny joke, right?), prepare for my American Heritage exam, do my Book of Mormon and Psych reading and fill out job applications. Should be so much fun! :P
Sending my love to all those in California. I miss you & your less snowy weather.
Anyways, this week has been pretty bland. Everyday, I would muster up enough energy to walk to class in the blizzard, listen to the lecture between sneezing, coughing, and blowing my nose and then come home, lay in bed, and get homework done, then sleep. Yepp. That was my week.
It really was a blizzard though. It snowed from Sunday night through Wednesday afternoon. Yesterday and today we got the chance to see the sun again! I even walked around in just jeans and a sweater...It was 27 degrees outside. Utah has changed this California Girl into an eskimo. I really do enjoy snow but on my own terms...At 9am when I'm walking to class and I feel sick...HECK NO. On a Sunday night, when I'm still sick but able to snuggle up in my bed with hot apple cider? That's more like it!
It really was a blizzard though. It snowed from Sunday night through Wednesday afternoon. Yesterday and today we got the chance to see the sun again! I even walked around in just jeans and a sweater...It was 27 degrees outside. Utah has changed this California Girl into an eskimo. I really do enjoy snow but on my own terms...At 9am when I'm walking to class and I feel sick...HECK NO. On a Sunday night, when I'm still sick but able to snuggle up in my bed with hot apple cider? That's more like it!

Since yesterday and today have been the only days I've been feeling well, I actually did things! Sorta...
Yesterday, Kam and I were just going crazy. We were not being productive but it was so fun. I love having fun roommates. Roommates that put up with my obnoxiousness but at the same time are just as loud. It's just always a party. (Especially since it was Thursday night...Oh Party Thursdays!)
Today, I was done with class at 11 but went to Gym Kids. I got to hang out with the cutest little girl, *Sarah*. She had just learned to walk a few months ago so she had a death grip on my hand and we just walked around the gym, did laps the whole time. I talked to her and though she might not have understood much of what I was saying, she laughed and smiled at me and at everything that was going on in that crazy gym. There were 80 kids there today! It was nuts. For some reason, there were rolls of toilet paper there for the kids to play with. There were a ton of volunteers, and even kids, running around like mummies! The gym was a disaster after the hour. It was wonderful (:
The rest of today is being spent doing homework. I had a review session on campus at 2, so I went to that, then took my Psych test. I got another A (: Then stayed on campus to be productive. So far it's been going well. One section of Geology done and read, only 5 more to finish before next Friday's test!
I've got two tests next week! It's going to be crazy.
This weekend, I don't know what we will end up doing. I know I have to read 6 total chapters of Geology (an "incredibly fascinating" subject. HAHAH! funny joke, right?), prepare for my American Heritage exam, do my Book of Mormon and Psych reading and fill out job applications. Should be so much fun! :P
Sending my love to all those in California. I miss you & your less snowy weather.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Slip n' Slide
So this has been my day. Not quite going down this bridge to get to class but you get the point...
It's been quite interesting! People watching has been very fun today. Not saying that some people haven't gotten a kick out of watching me slide around, lose my footing for a second, shriek, then catch myself...But it's been fun watching how some people handle themselves in the slick conditions.
Anyways, I'm back for the day...Like I always am. Class from 9-12 or 9-1 and Home. Time to defrost and work on homework. Well procrastinate for a bit, look at jobs on the employment site, get disappointed because I've already applied for all the ones I'm elgible for, then watch a show or two while I try to figure out some kind of "Journal" to write for my Religion class requirements...My routine has become so boring. I NEED A LIFE. And less snow/ice.
I was determined that I would go running today. HAH. With all the ice on the ground. Me & my clumsiness + ice = Recipe for DISASTER. There is a reason I was not named Grace. I would walk down to the RB but I don't want to risk injuring myself BEFORE I go work out. No thank you!

Yes, there are candles on it. Yes, we stuck one in it's belly button. That bear consists of 1400 small ones. Awesomely gross, right?
Natalie eventually posted on the Ward Page (Yay for Facebook!) and people came over to grab a slice of the bear; however, we still have a good sized chunk sitting on our kitchen table. Yuck. No more sugar for me, thanks!
Anyways, I like to believe that Fatty enjoyed her birthday! It sure seemed like she did (:
Now the rest of this week and weekend will be homework and trying to stay warm...but what else is new. Oh college. It just gets better and better. (:
Monday, January 21, 2013
So I lied. I didn't post my blog "Tomorrow." I figured I would wait out the rest of the weekend so I could write about the whole last week. Good idea yes? So don't hate me when you look at all this and are like, "For reals? This is so long." Sorry. MY BAD.
Monday-Friday. Great. I had a very good week. I seriously love all my classes. Nothing really to report there. I went to class everyday. Still haven't fallen on ice. Almost did on Sunday though, I was wearing heels! Would have been bad... But yeah. Classes are great.
We attacked the boys dorm. Kam and I got done with class and met up with one of our guy friends, Sean. He invited us to their apartment and we hung out with him and our other friend, Dayne. Sean went to take a nap and then Kam, and I kinda got creative with some tape we found. We drew pictures for them. Kam made a pyramid out of dixie cups. I made signs with hastags all over their apartment. We made a tower out of their recyclables. Kam drew a dragon, and I put a tennis ball (I drew a face on it last semester and gave it to the guys. They named it "Jensen." Creative, right?) up at the top of the tower and then we made signs that said "Save the Damsel in Distress." Yeah. We were bored.
I got my first A in the testing center.
93% baby! It may have been a simple reading quiz for Psych but I only missed one question, 14/15. Gosh. It was so awesome to see my score and see a "Fantastic!" next to it. If you go to BYU, you know how it feels every other time you leave the testing center...Seeing an encouraging word next to your score is a BIG DEAL and only comes once every so often!
Marcie and Kamden got their mission calls! My lovely roommates decided to serve the Lord for 18 months, and they leave in May! Marcie will be going to the Washington Kennewick Mission, Spanish Speaking. Kamden is going to the South Carolina Columbia Mission. I am so excited for them both! I am even more excited to write them silly letters and send them fun care packages! They are so wonderful!
Lastly, a bit more "low key", I went for a walk. It was very nice. I wanted to get out of the apartment, so I just wandered around the bookstore after my test. Someone eventually came up to me, asking if I needed something...By that point, I left. I made a mistake and got a Jamba to celebrate the A from my test. It was good but cold! I FROZE. My hands hurt so badly. Though it was nice to take the long walk home and get some fresh air (:
Saturday, Kam, Nat and I went to Ross, Dollar Tree, and Panda! I said I wasn't going to spend money but I found a VERY cute shirt. I had to buy it. Then at Dollar Tree, I got some body wash and ballons (for a project!) and I found a Pepsi... A Caffeinated Soda... I wanted it.... It tasted good. My roommates laughed at me because I very much enjoyed it.
Then we stopped at Panda because we were all starving (we brought goldfish to snack on but it wasn't cutting it). So we stuffed our faces on fast Chinese food and went home. Kam and Nat went to the basketball game. I decided to stay home and look at off campus housing for next year. Plus, my jaw has been killing me and I didn't think cheering would be a very good idea.
They got home. I painted my nails and skimmed Pinterest. Natalie did a Disney Princess Puzzle. Kam read her Reader's Digest.....That was our Saturday night. I am a 16 year old. Nat is a 4 year old. Kam is 40.
We're so weird.
Sunday, Church. But for Ward Prayer, we had to introduce our Family Home Evening Group. We decided to wear mustaches, introduce ourselves, our mustache names, and a funny fact(s) about ourselves.
Me: I am Jensen. My mustache name is the Wise Guy. I play the uke. I wear fake glasses. And I like to pass time by watching funny cat videos on Youtube.
Why am I so weird?
Anyways. Today has been filled with laziness. I laid in bed and Skyped Jordan. Finally got up, Showered. Tarron came over to say hello and return my baking cups. Kam, Nat and I went to the Creamery to shop and Kid's Meals for Lunch. I mastered the "Sock Bun." And now I get to work on all the homework I procrastinated this weekend.
Overall though, I needed this weekend to be relaxing. No plans. Just enjoying having time to stay up late, sleep in and go with the flow. It was great!
I am all smiles. But what else is new? (:
Monday-Friday. Great. I had a very good week. I seriously love all my classes. Nothing really to report there. I went to class everyday. Still haven't fallen on ice. Almost did on Sunday though, I was wearing heels! Would have been bad... But yeah. Classes are great.

I got my first A in the testing center.
93% baby! It may have been a simple reading quiz for Psych but I only missed one question, 14/15. Gosh. It was so awesome to see my score and see a "Fantastic!" next to it. If you go to BYU, you know how it feels every other time you leave the testing center...Seeing an encouraging word next to your score is a BIG DEAL and only comes once every so often!

Lastly, a bit more "low key", I went for a walk. It was very nice. I wanted to get out of the apartment, so I just wandered around the bookstore after my test. Someone eventually came up to me, asking if I needed something...By that point, I left. I made a mistake and got a Jamba to celebrate the A from my test. It was good but cold! I FROZE. My hands hurt so badly. Though it was nice to take the long walk home and get some fresh air (:

Then we stopped at Panda because we were all starving (we brought goldfish to snack on but it wasn't cutting it). So we stuffed our faces on fast Chinese food and went home. Kam and Nat went to the basketball game. I decided to stay home and look at off campus housing for next year. Plus, my jaw has been killing me and I didn't think cheering would be a very good idea.
They got home. I painted my nails and skimmed Pinterest. Natalie did a Disney Princess Puzzle. Kam read her Reader's Digest.....That was our Saturday night. I am a 16 year old. Nat is a 4 year old. Kam is 40.
We're so weird.
Sunday, Church. But for Ward Prayer, we had to introduce our Family Home Evening Group. We decided to wear mustaches, introduce ourselves, our mustache names, and a funny fact(s) about ourselves.
Me: I am Jensen. My mustache name is the Wise Guy. I play the uke. I wear fake glasses. And I like to pass time by watching funny cat videos on Youtube.
Why am I so weird?
Anyways. Today has been filled with laziness. I laid in bed and Skyped Jordan. Finally got up, Showered. Tarron came over to say hello and return my baking cups. Kam, Nat and I went to the Creamery to shop and Kid's Meals for Lunch. I mastered the "Sock Bun." And now I get to work on all the homework I procrastinated this weekend.
Overall though, I needed this weekend to be relaxing. No plans. Just enjoying having time to stay up late, sleep in and go with the flow. It was great!
I am all smiles. But what else is new? (:
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Round Two
So I haven't blogged in quite sometime...Sorry.
I've been trying to get back in the rhythm of school and college and living in single degree weather. It's been tough to adjust to but great (:
Yeah. You guys in California are KILLING ME. Stop the whining about your cold weather. It got to -14 last weekend. I've been wearing like 5 layers to class every day just to come into a boiling hot classroom (it's always a thermostat war it seems, no one can agree on a "normal" temperature) to take all my jackets off and then layer back up to walk to my next destination. All the while, trying not to slip and fall on ice and ignore the fact that my ears are probably going to fall off. But guess what, I don't really mind it (: I promise if I can survive this weather, you can live through some abnormally bitter winter days and freezes.
Anyways, I'm done with my rant.
My new classes are going great! I absolutely love all of them. I'm taking American Heritage (Combination of World History, U.S. History, Gov. and Econ.), Psychology, Book of Mormon (The second half of it), Geology and Marriage and Family (Judge me, it's a great class and so much fun!). I was going to take Spanish, but then I decided I should get some more GE credits out of the way and took Geology the Geology book is free online and the Spanish package was $225... Easy choice right?
But really, all my professors are great! I love all the classes and their content (Except are soooooo boring.) I'm really looking forward to this semester. I've got a lot of reading to do each night, but that beats 40 chemistry problems (: I really need to make friends in my classes though. I don't know anyone!
We've lost a ton of our friends from last semester because of missions. However, that means a ton of new people to make friends with and a ton of new mission calls! It's all really exciting. I've made a ton of new friends within our ward. It's been so much fun getting to know new people all over again!
I seriously love it here. My new classes. New friends. New memories in the making. I'm so happy! I would love snow more if it wasn't so cold, but I enjoy walking in this Winter Wonderland. It's so pretty here (:
Wait for another new blog tomorrow. I'll be updating you on all my escapades from the last week. It's been quite exciting (:
I've been trying to get back in the rhythm of school and college and living in single degree weather. It's been tough to adjust to but great (:
Yeah. You guys in California are KILLING ME. Stop the whining about your cold weather. It got to -14 last weekend. I've been wearing like 5 layers to class every day just to come into a boiling hot classroom (it's always a thermostat war it seems, no one can agree on a "normal" temperature) to take all my jackets off and then layer back up to walk to my next destination. All the while, trying not to slip and fall on ice and ignore the fact that my ears are probably going to fall off. But guess what, I don't really mind it (: I promise if I can survive this weather, you can live through some abnormally bitter winter days and freezes.
Anyways, I'm done with my rant.
My new classes are going great! I absolutely love all of them. I'm taking American Heritage (Combination of World History, U.S. History, Gov. and Econ.), Psychology, Book of Mormon (The second half of it), Geology and Marriage and Family (Judge me, it's a great class and so much fun!). I was going to take Spanish, but then I decided I should get some more GE credits out of the way and took Geology the Geology book is free online and the Spanish package was $225... Easy choice right?
But really, all my professors are great! I love all the classes and their content (Except are soooooo boring.) I'm really looking forward to this semester. I've got a lot of reading to do each night, but that beats 40 chemistry problems (: I really need to make friends in my classes though. I don't know anyone!
We've lost a ton of our friends from last semester because of missions. However, that means a ton of new people to make friends with and a ton of new mission calls! It's all really exciting. I've made a ton of new friends within our ward. It's been so much fun getting to know new people all over again!
I seriously love it here. My new classes. New friends. New memories in the making. I'm so happy! I would love snow more if it wasn't so cold, but I enjoy walking in this Winter Wonderland. It's so pretty here (:
Wait for another new blog tomorrow. I'll be updating you on all my escapades from the last week. It's been quite exciting (:
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Letter to 2013
Hello there, 2013!
Pleased to meet you. Many people are very surprised you came around. They all thought that you weren't going to happen but you made them look like fools December 22nd, 2012. I think you were going to come no matter what! I believe the reason is because you are going to be a very big year for a lot of people. And I like to think that I will especially benefit from this year.
I mean it'll be the second semester of my Freshman year, and the first semester of my Sophomore. I'll still be taking generals for the most part but I'll be figuring out what I'm going to major in, and hopefully sticking with it. Picking my major will impact the rest of my life. So yeah, that's sort of a big deal.
Plus, I will need to get a job on campus, and one for the summer. My first apartment with goodness knows what roommates. Looks as though I'll be playing the lottery again! (Let's hope I get some good ones again) I'm turning 19. And gosh, there are a ton of other big things that are going to happen this year but I don't know what they all will be yet. I can just feel it!
So I looked up what a "New Year's Resolution" really is and the definition according to Wikipedia is:
A commitment that a person makes to one or more personal goals, projects, or the reforming of a habit. A key element to a New Year's resolution that sets it apart from other resolutions is that it is made in anticipation of the New Year and new beginnings.
2013, I don't know about you but I hardly hear about anyone who keeps these "resolutions" that they make up. Most of the time they are like "be more active," or "lose weight." "Be happy." "Live life to the fullest." And you can't forget the "I'm going to quit [insert addictive substance or act]." It's all the same. Hardly, ever do you get original ones. (It does happen though)
I'm not saying people haven't completed their goals. I know that some people actually have the determination to get what they set their mind to actually done. Kudos to them. But personally, I have not found making such goals or commitments for the New Year any good for me. And well, I've got another idea.
So 2013, you aren't getting any resolutions out of this girl. I really have no goals except to be happy. But who doesn't want to be happy? That's just a general goal. I mean, I like to smile too much. Being unhappy isn't an option. Instead, I've got another proposition for you.
I want to see where you, the New Year, take me. I'm up for new adventures, obstacles and challenges. Whatever. Give me all you've got. Now, I'm not going to go searching for these things. I'm not going to do anything differently. I'm just going to live my life as normal, like every other year, and roll with it.
What's the catch you ask? Well I'm going to blog and journal like normal, and at the end of the year, read all my entries. I want to see how much I've changed or progressed (or see the lack of both of those things) over the year. Then I'll figure out the "best" and "worst" of 2013, make a list of big accomplishments, things I'm grateful for, and of course a "What I've learned" list.
Well 2013, I hope we have an understanding. This isn't a goal or commitment to enact a change in myself. I'm not planning on changing, but change and progress is an inevitable part of life. It's going to happen. And this hardly counts as a project. I'm just extremely curious to see what you have to offer and I want to document and evaluate it all in the end to see where I'm at in my life because of all that you threw at me. I want to sit down on December 31st, look back on all my new memories and say "What a year."
I'm sure you are going to be full of surprises, just like every other new year. Just know that I am looking forward to all the wonderful memories that I will make, good and bad (Mostly, the good though.) And in case I forget to tell you later, thank you for all those memories. Especially the ones that are going to make smile, laugh and love my life throughout the next 12 months.
Yours Truly,
Jensen Leigh Krause
Pleased to meet you. Many people are very surprised you came around. They all thought that you weren't going to happen but you made them look like fools December 22nd, 2012. I think you were going to come no matter what! I believe the reason is because you are going to be a very big year for a lot of people. And I like to think that I will especially benefit from this year.
I mean it'll be the second semester of my Freshman year, and the first semester of my Sophomore. I'll still be taking generals for the most part but I'll be figuring out what I'm going to major in, and hopefully sticking with it. Picking my major will impact the rest of my life. So yeah, that's sort of a big deal.
Plus, I will need to get a job on campus, and one for the summer. My first apartment with goodness knows what roommates. Looks as though I'll be playing the lottery again! (Let's hope I get some good ones again) I'm turning 19. And gosh, there are a ton of other big things that are going to happen this year but I don't know what they all will be yet. I can just feel it!
So I looked up what a "New Year's Resolution" really is and the definition according to Wikipedia is:
A commitment that a person makes to one or more personal goals, projects, or the reforming of a habit. A key element to a New Year's resolution that sets it apart from other resolutions is that it is made in anticipation of the New Year and new beginnings.
2013, I don't know about you but I hardly hear about anyone who keeps these "resolutions" that they make up. Most of the time they are like "be more active," or "lose weight." "Be happy." "Live life to the fullest." And you can't forget the "I'm going to quit [insert addictive substance or act]." It's all the same. Hardly, ever do you get original ones. (It does happen though)
I'm not saying people haven't completed their goals. I know that some people actually have the determination to get what they set their mind to actually done. Kudos to them. But personally, I have not found making such goals or commitments for the New Year any good for me. And well, I've got another idea.
So 2013, you aren't getting any resolutions out of this girl. I really have no goals except to be happy. But who doesn't want to be happy? That's just a general goal. I mean, I like to smile too much. Being unhappy isn't an option. Instead, I've got another proposition for you.
I want to see where you, the New Year, take me. I'm up for new adventures, obstacles and challenges. Whatever. Give me all you've got. Now, I'm not going to go searching for these things. I'm not going to do anything differently. I'm just going to live my life as normal, like every other year, and roll with it.
What's the catch you ask? Well I'm going to blog and journal like normal, and at the end of the year, read all my entries. I want to see how much I've changed or progressed (or see the lack of both of those things) over the year. Then I'll figure out the "best" and "worst" of 2013, make a list of big accomplishments, things I'm grateful for, and of course a "What I've learned" list.
Well 2013, I hope we have an understanding. This isn't a goal or commitment to enact a change in myself. I'm not planning on changing, but change and progress is an inevitable part of life. It's going to happen. And this hardly counts as a project. I'm just extremely curious to see what you have to offer and I want to document and evaluate it all in the end to see where I'm at in my life because of all that you threw at me. I want to sit down on December 31st, look back on all my new memories and say "What a year."
I'm sure you are going to be full of surprises, just like every other new year. Just know that I am looking forward to all the wonderful memories that I will make, good and bad (Mostly, the good though.) And in case I forget to tell you later, thank you for all those memories. Especially the ones that are going to make smile, laugh and love my life throughout the next 12 months.
Yours Truly,
Jensen Leigh Krause
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