Monday-Friday. Great. I had a very good week. I seriously love all my classes. Nothing really to report there. I went to class everyday. Still haven't fallen on ice. Almost did on Sunday though, I was wearing heels! Would have been bad... But yeah. Classes are great.

I got my first A in the testing center.
93% baby! It may have been a simple reading quiz for Psych but I only missed one question, 14/15. Gosh. It was so awesome to see my score and see a "Fantastic!" next to it. If you go to BYU, you know how it feels every other time you leave the testing center...Seeing an encouraging word next to your score is a BIG DEAL and only comes once every so often!

Lastly, a bit more "low key", I went for a walk. It was very nice. I wanted to get out of the apartment, so I just wandered around the bookstore after my test. Someone eventually came up to me, asking if I needed something...By that point, I left. I made a mistake and got a Jamba to celebrate the A from my test. It was good but cold! I FROZE. My hands hurt so badly. Though it was nice to take the long walk home and get some fresh air (:

Then we stopped at Panda because we were all starving (we brought goldfish to snack on but it wasn't cutting it). So we stuffed our faces on fast Chinese food and went home. Kam and Nat went to the basketball game. I decided to stay home and look at off campus housing for next year. Plus, my jaw has been killing me and I didn't think cheering would be a very good idea.
They got home. I painted my nails and skimmed Pinterest. Natalie did a Disney Princess Puzzle. Kam read her Reader's Digest.....That was our Saturday night. I am a 16 year old. Nat is a 4 year old. Kam is 40.
We're so weird.
Sunday, Church. But for Ward Prayer, we had to introduce our Family Home Evening Group. We decided to wear mustaches, introduce ourselves, our mustache names, and a funny fact(s) about ourselves.
Me: I am Jensen. My mustache name is the Wise Guy. I play the uke. I wear fake glasses. And I like to pass time by watching funny cat videos on Youtube.
Why am I so weird?
Anyways. Today has been filled with laziness. I laid in bed and Skyped Jordan. Finally got up, Showered. Tarron came over to say hello and return my baking cups. Kam, Nat and I went to the Creamery to shop and Kid's Meals for Lunch. I mastered the "Sock Bun." And now I get to work on all the homework I procrastinated this weekend.
Overall though, I needed this weekend to be relaxing. No plans. Just enjoying having time to stay up late, sleep in and go with the flow. It was great!
I am all smiles. But what else is new? (: