Born and raised in Northern California, I am a West Coast gal making it in an East Coast world. I am thriving in a humid climate where brunch is routine and snow cancels school. I teach by day and play too many board games in my evenings. Food and music are my vices. I am like every other basic millennial that would travel the world if allowed an unlimited budget and timeline.
Now I am sure you are curious - "JENSEN WHY IN THE WORLD DO YOU HAVE A BLOG!?" Lol IDK. A good friend once told me, "Jensen, your life is sitcom material." A blog is a couple steps down but it is what we got until someone picks up the pilot.
With all of this in mind, I do not take myself too seriously and I hope you will do that same. Much of what I write is word vomit so do not expect anything high quality. My opinions and experiences are my own. I will be dramatic As All Get Out just for the h*ck of it. So yeah.
Thanks for stopping by. I hope you enjoy whatever you end up reading.