We finished and ended up going over to Hannah's house to play Settlers of Catan. (We're nerds. We know). After Hannah kicked Ian and I's butts her first time playing, we went swimming. Then played Phase 10. And called it a day.
Pretty good day, I'd say. In between days that I work, I end up hanging out with those two, or them separately, and sometimes someone else will join us. Like Randi came by with Hannah and we sat and talked for a good 3 hours about life. Always a enjoyable.

It's nice to be home and see my old friends. However, it's weird being home and seeing kids still in school, and those individuals that graduated from your high school that maybe you didn't get along with or you were nice to but had no real relationship with. Yeah. And you don't know if they really do remember your name, when you surely remember theirs. And you don't know whether to say hi or not. Awwwkward.
It'll be nice to have my best friend home in a few weeks! I miss her like crazy! Plus everyone else will be home pretty soon too. Then the real adventures can begin.
One adventure will be going to the 100.5 NowSplash concert with Adriana to see some of our favorite bands perform! I didn't even request to have that day off, we were wanting to go but it was looking like I probably wouldn't get it off...BUT I DID. Just by luck (: So we're going. It's cheap and 4/5 bands we know to be pretty great. (Parachute, Sara Bareilles, Andy Grammar, and Hanson). Perfect right?
Oh and then Jordan is coming to visit for my birthday! I cannot wait! He'll be here to spend just a few days in California then back to work in DC. Thankfully I got the time off! It'll be so much fun. It won't be long enough but we'll make the most of it!
Work was been going well. I'll be getting more hours starting two weeks from now! I'll be working Fun Camps with the kids all day! It'll be great. Busy, crazy and long. But great! Plus I'll be making money $$$. Which makes it very much worth it. If you have little children, or you babysit. Come visit me!
Lastly, I'm still learning songs on my uke about once a week, if not twice. I start my mornings off with a little ukulele sometimes. I still love the thing. It's my favorite (:
Maybe I'll write a song about counting cats...
Just kidding.
Oh and Yes. I did redo my blog header. You like? It's got some of my favorite pictures with some (ONLY SOME) of my favorite people on there (: