Anyways, this week has been pretty bland. Everyday, I would muster up enough energy to walk to class in the blizzard, listen to the lecture between sneezing, coughing, and blowing my nose and then come home, lay in bed, and get homework done, then sleep. Yepp. That was my week.
It really was a blizzard though. It snowed from Sunday night through Wednesday afternoon. Yesterday and today we got the chance to see the sun again! I even walked around in just jeans and a sweater...It was 27 degrees outside. Utah has changed this California Girl into an eskimo. I really do enjoy snow but on my own terms...At 9am when I'm walking to class and I feel sick...HECK NO. On a Sunday night, when I'm still sick but able to snuggle up in my bed with hot apple cider? That's more like it!
It really was a blizzard though. It snowed from Sunday night through Wednesday afternoon. Yesterday and today we got the chance to see the sun again! I even walked around in just jeans and a sweater...It was 27 degrees outside. Utah has changed this California Girl into an eskimo. I really do enjoy snow but on my own terms...At 9am when I'm walking to class and I feel sick...HECK NO. On a Sunday night, when I'm still sick but able to snuggle up in my bed with hot apple cider? That's more like it!

Since yesterday and today have been the only days I've been feeling well, I actually did things! Sorta...
Yesterday, Kam and I were just going crazy. We were not being productive but it was so fun. I love having fun roommates. Roommates that put up with my obnoxiousness but at the same time are just as loud. It's just always a party. (Especially since it was Thursday night...Oh Party Thursdays!)
Today, I was done with class at 11 but went to Gym Kids. I got to hang out with the cutest little girl, *Sarah*. She had just learned to walk a few months ago so she had a death grip on my hand and we just walked around the gym, did laps the whole time. I talked to her and though she might not have understood much of what I was saying, she laughed and smiled at me and at everything that was going on in that crazy gym. There were 80 kids there today! It was nuts. For some reason, there were rolls of toilet paper there for the kids to play with. There were a ton of volunteers, and even kids, running around like mummies! The gym was a disaster after the hour. It was wonderful (:
The rest of today is being spent doing homework. I had a review session on campus at 2, so I went to that, then took my Psych test. I got another A (: Then stayed on campus to be productive. So far it's been going well. One section of Geology done and read, only 5 more to finish before next Friday's test!
I've got two tests next week! It's going to be crazy.
This weekend, I don't know what we will end up doing. I know I have to read 6 total chapters of Geology (an "incredibly fascinating" subject. HAHAH! funny joke, right?), prepare for my American Heritage exam, do my Book of Mormon and Psych reading and fill out job applications. Should be so much fun! :P
Sending my love to all those in California. I miss you & your less snowy weather.