Yesterday was really fun. I think I pulled a muscle from laughing as much as I did. Definitely a great last day with my bestie!
Adriana and Ian came over so we could go to the Taco Truck one last time together before I left. We ordered our pellescadas (I totally killed the spelling of that...) and enjoyed them. I sure am going to miss having authentic Mexican food on every street corner or at least a good taco truck with $1 tacos.
Hannah came over eventually and we watched Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Then for whatever reason, Choco Tacos became a topic of conversation so we made a trip to Belair for ice cream. I believe the people there thought we were total dorks, but oh well...Hannah and I had never had one of these chocolate tacos and they were delicious.
Then we played Uno....FOR AN HOUR. The same game of Uno....FOR AN HOUR. We were all at each other's throats. Harsh words were exchanged and we hurt Ian's only feeling. But Hannah eventually won. You could say we were realived.
Then the webcam photos come into play....
Check out my Facebook and you will see what I mean....They are After our picture extravenganza, we ate Krause House Tacos (Our last addition of our Mexican Food day) and went to the fair!
We walked, and walked, and walked, and walked. I played Bra Pong. Adriana paid a dollar for me to throw ping pong balls into bras for the Breast Cancer booth. I won a pen! We met up with Ian and Gladys eventually. We decided to make Ian try to win a gold fish...he failed. Adriana said she'd never been on a Ferris Wheel so Gladys let us use some tickets and we all rode together!
Looking out over the fair grounds almost made me cry. It hit me that I was leaving, on Monday. And that the fair was a stupid high school reunion and as much as I wanted to see some of the people there, I didn't like seeing others. It reminded me that I probably wouldn't see then either ever again or for at least a very long time. Or until next year's Woodland Reunion....I mean Yolo County Fair...
After the fair, Adriana and I ate candy (bad idea) and looked at Wanelo and took more webcam pictures. We about died after reading different conversations on DamnYouAutoCorrect.Com.
Then I had to say goodbye to my best friend this morning. That sucked.
It was fine at first, then I went back to my bed and laid down....and cried....I'm leaving.
In three days.
Welp. Time to pack some more...
No more adventures of Adriana and Jensen for three months.
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah :(