Today was the start of the tearing apart and breaking down of my room.
Well it's actually been torn apart since graduation and relatively clean. I've been going through bits and pieces of my belongings from time to time, but today I actually started taking things off my walls.
The shopping bags still hang around my room. My colored Jones Soda bottles still stand with my Cheer Poms next to them.
But JENN is no longer plastered on my door. I took down the heart attack from last week. And one of my picture boards has been taken down.
Shopping bags and Jones Soda bottles will probably come down by the end of the week. And I still have to find a home for my keyboard and Glow Station. Plus I STILL need to get rid of the extra Prom Peacock feathers and Float Building surplus supplies. (High School is over and my presidential duties continue. GAH)
So you're probably You have a lot of junk in your room. NOT TRUE. Everything has a place and it's not really junk. I have more comfy tshirts then I do "junk."
Decorating my room has become a big thing to me. You step into my creative space when you enter my room. Patterns are mismatched, but all the same color scheme. You can tell I really like purple. I have a bubble lamp. And I have pictures of my friend, family and adventures, everywhere! I mean, come on... It's pretty cool in here.
When my friends used to all come over Freshman year, one would be on my computer, one would be drawing on the Glow Station, one would be flipping my bubble lamp on and off with my remote, and one would be taking a funny video of herself with my camera and one would be rocking out to my music, REALLY LOUD. We had great times in here and I have videos to prove it...they're on YouTube too....
I live in my room. It's my space. But now, I get to pack up my space and take some of it with me to make my Dorm sweet Dorm. I'm gonna miss my crazy purple room.
Booo for being an adult and getting into my dream school and moving....BOO.
I'm of course kidding. I can't wait! (: