So I guess I should start a blog, seeing as I am going to college in less than two months. Kind of exciting, right? I also figured I'd start writing it now so I can get in the habit of updating it. I know that you all (you all: my large audience consisting of my family members) will surely want to be constantly updated about all the adventures I'll be having up at BYU. So here goes it. You can start tuning in now to read up all the summer adventures that will lead up to it if that interests you at all.
I must warn you though: Sarcasm is my favorite language, I tend to overuse the words: quite, so, well, just, and a bit, and I may go on a rant from time to time. That's just me. But you should know that. I mean you're reading my blog because you're my family. (And if you're my friend, I thank you very much for reading this. I figured you'd just skip right over the link I posted on FB, uninterested.)
Well then.... Yippee Skippee! Are you excited? Because I am! 6 weeks and counting till I leave for the great state of Utah. Hopefully, my cheeks will be less chipmunky by then. Anyways, tah-tah for now. I'm sure I'll post something tomorrow about how I'm sick and tired of KFC potatoes and ice cream.