Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Productive Procrastination

So I'm writing this blog right now because I'm trying to rid myself of terrible writer's block...or procrastination. One of the two.
I only have to write my American Heritage essay. That is my last assignment for the rest of the week. (Except for some like weekly attendance and reflection things from my religion classes) Sooooo, I'm having trouble getting words that are actually history related, flowing in my brain. So I word vomit...Seems productive.

Anyways. This week has been really good. The weather has been amazing. SUNSHINE! Once again. I missed the sun. I really did. I missed the warmth. I'M WEARING FLIP FLOPS! It's wonderful. I've laid outside and done homework. Today, Jordan and I ate lunch outside after class. It's so nice that Spring is finally deciding to make an appearance.

Oh yeah, Jordan is here. He moved down here for the next 2 months for work! Yes. I'm one happy girl. Yes. I've actually been getting homework done. I've actually been very productive. Passed my Geology test! Not with flying colors...but did waaaay better than last time. Plus it's curved! I've gotten all my homework done on time, and have even caught up with all my homework from last week after being sick. YEAH. I've been doing pretty good with keeping on top of things (:

What else is new...Oh! I've found an internship program that I REALLY want to do. You go to Romania to work in an orphanage and hospitals with abandoned children with special needs. Perfect for me, right? It's 3 months out of the year. Gosh. I want to go. I've talked to multiple people who have gone, it sounds amaaaaazing. I could get an extra boost to my resume, learn some basic Romanian, help children, and travel. AHHHH! :D

Yeah, I'm changing my major to Special Education: Mild and Moderate disabilities and then doing a minor in Psychology. (:

I'm really happy, if you couldn't tell. It's sunny outside. I can wear flip-flops again. Jordan is here. I've been getting a ton of work done. And I've found a major that I believe will be perfect for me. I'm all smiles (:

Plus, I just ate a box of Junior Mints...that could be contributing to my good mood (:

I send my love to California from here in Utah! 6 weeks til I'm home!! Can't wait.