Did you know that I'm extremely lucky?
No, I'm not kidding. My life sometimes can be a series of unfortunate events and you can't help but laugh at how ridiculous things can get sometimes for me because seriously, it's hilarious at times the stories about the horrible, no good days that I have. However, I'm actually ridiculously lucky when it comes to winning contests, awards or prizes.
It all began probably on my first day of Kindergarten. Showed up wearing the cutest floral dress that twirled (all my dressed had to twirl), I was awarded "Star of the Day." Moving forward, I'm not an artist, but I always entered my stuff into the fair, and without failure, I'd come back with a ribbon and a prize. I won a separate city contest once, was given a whole bunch of art supplies.
Older I got, the larger the prizes became. I won a whole set of bedroom accessories (alarm clock, radio set, wall clings, door frame decor) courtesy of Sparktop.Org because I simply pushed "enter."
Bigger and better, I won a premiere screening for Garfield: Tale of Two Kitties, from the same website, with 500 of my closest friends, plus a bunch of gear for the movie. I didn't have 500 of closest friends but I filled that dang theater as much as possible.
Once on my birthday, the tickets we had for a (don't judge) Dixie Chick concert (I was like 8) had our seats blocked off for light equipment. We told the usher and he gave us floor seats instead. I was tiny so we had to move up a few rows, but it was pretty sweet. And that's not the only time I've gone to a concert or show and been given better seats.
And those are just the bigger random things I won (that I can remember.) I'd often just win random small things on top of that. Like my name was almost always drawn when there was a raffle, or I'd be standing on the number they picked out of the hat for the cakewalk. I'm always finding money in my pockets or on the ground (usually then though, I turn it in.) I often am getting emails about random surveys I've been chosen for that give me some sort of incentive at the end. I am ridiculously lucky.
Now, I randomly entered a Digital Storytelling Contest for a class and I received an honorable mention award for a video I created in an hour using an IPad application. I'm $35 bucks richer and I've got another weird prize to add to my lucky streak.
So yeah, there's your fun fact about me for the week. I'm sure my mom could tell you more things that I won growing up, but these are just the few that came to my mind. If you want me to pick your lottery ticket numbers, don't ask. My dad has tried that and it doesn't work. I'm only a lucky charm for myself, I guess?
If only the luck could apply to the rest of my life events, and not just winning things...but that would be asking too much I suppose.
Anyways, I'm now settled into my new apartment. Spring classes are a go as I prep for my teaching this summer. I'm still student teaching for my minor, which has been a blast! No breaks for me when it comes to school, but I'm excited for the adventures that the warm weather will bring.
In other news, less than 8 months til I graduate. I'm signed up for yet another race. I'm planning a birthday trip for my 21st! I've got a bucket list of places to go this summer and things to do. My list of books to read this summer is expanding. Annnd I'm training to do another super cool thing that I'm not quite ready to announce because it's in the works.
So yeah, life is good here living in Sunset Suite in the Bubble. Yes, my new apartment is called the Sunset Suite. Plus, it's number 12! Did I mention that's my lucky number? (: