As I write this, I'm having the hardest time sitting still. I want to jump up right now and dance around to the song I'm listening to. (Elevate by St. Lucia, listen here. If you are Adriana, you will probably not like it, it's "weird".) Anyways, let me paint you a picture in effort that it will get you to understand why I've been having such a hard time...
In movies, just before they roll the credits, you sometimes see the main character look on and smile as the scene in front of him/her portrays the resolution to a conflict, or a happy ending. The camera zooms in on their face and they just look happy and content with all of the events going on around them. Then the screen dims, leaving the audience smiling too, feeling just as happy they too can see that the character has found or is settled in what seems to be what they were searching for. Are you with me so far?
In summary, I've been too darn happy to be able to write a blog. It's hard to sit still when all I want to do is go out and be busy with all that is going on in life, away from this laptop screen. Hopefully some of my happiness radiates from this blog and rubs off on each of you!
With that poorly described image in your head...Is it too bold to say that my life feels like a movie? Only the credits aren't going to roll as soon as I have my moment. Life continues, and honestly, keeps getting better and better.
I've had these moments where I've reflected on all that's been going on lately and simply been speechless, left smiling stupidly. I am blessed. I can say that I am the happiest that I've been in years. I feel good. I'm stoked for the school year. I've got a fearless attitude that has got me probably a little too confident. But hey, if being too positive is the only thing that I've got against me right now, I'd have to say I'm doing pretty good.
I mean the universe still works against me at times. Awkward moments haunt me: having my skirt blow up because of floor vents and tripping on non-existent cracks in the floor. My inner clutz makes regular appearances: cutting myself on everything sharp and dull, and slipping 10 times on the way down from the Y-Hike. Not to be counted out either, though manageable, my anxiety likes to make appearances every now and again. Life may be good, but that doesn't mean I'm not living without trial.
That said, those things are all okay with me, seeing as there is no cure for awkwardness, being uncoordinated, anxiety, or trials in general. Currently I have 5 bruises, 4 cuts on my hands, 3 scraps on my legs, and a nice long scratch/bruise on my hip to my rib bone from pool ball, I'd say I should win a prize for being a human scab but I don't think that's exactly an achievement I'd like to place on my resume. I'm me, just with a fantastic new attitude and outlook on life: Onwards and Upwards my friends! (:
My ward is great. My jobs are great. My new classes seem awesome. (Side note: I am so excited to be a Special Education Teacher. Not a lot of people get to say that they love going to class each day because they have found a major and career path that truly makes them happy, but I am proud to say that I can, and I LOVE saying it.) I feel like I'm living in complete bliss.
After a period of trials and a summer of recovering, everything is falling into place, and all I can do is smile. I am so grateful! God has blessed me with so much: a new apartment with great roommates, in a wonderful new ward full of loving people, two great paying jobs so I could earn money while still in classes, a scholarship to enable me to pay for school mostly by myself, all the while save money for a car, friends to keep me sane/(a bit crazy too), a class schedule with all my necessary courses that worked out perfectly with no wait lists to worry about, and of course family that continues to support me even though I'm what seems to be like a million miles away.
The new semester has given me a sense of a new beginning. I'm taking all opportunities handed to me, within my means of course. I'm trying new things, and keeping up with the old as well. I'm meeting new people, and being social. I'm diving head first into what feels like my freshman year all over again, which is probably because I was a group leader of New Student Orientation. I'm not going to let my trials get in the way of what I want to be my best year at the Y yet!

Wow, this has to be one of my least sarcastic entries yet. Enjoy it while it lasts. I'm sure the sarcasm will return soon.
Here's to the happiness that is a new school year!
Staying True here in the Bubble,