Not only was I trying to prepare for an awful Chemistry test, but I also was preparing to say goodbye to Jordan, as he went back on his mission for his last seven months.
I was on campus both Tuesday and Wednesday from like 8/9am till about 7pm. It was terrible. I got done with classes then I would work on my Chemistry homework in the lab, then I'd go to a review session, then I'd go home. I ate on campus so many times. It was no bueno.
It was super frustrating because I was tired, and I didn't understand hardly any of the concepts (until finally on Wednesday) and I missed Halloween Festivities because all my teachers piled on the homework for Thursday. Halloween is like my favorite holiday too. So yeah. I was bummed.
Lots of people dressed up at school though. I thought was pretty cool. I wore my Halloween cat vest, that was about all the Halloween excitement I got.
Thankfully, I did get to Skype Jordan most of the day on Thursday because I got my homework done early. However, saying goodbye was the worst! I'm going to miss him. But I invested in some stamps and envelopes! I'll be writing!
Friday had it's ups and downs. I got done with classes at 10, home by 11 after doing a Chemistry lab. I skipped Gym Kids because I was so tired. I took a 3 hour nap then studied (well attempted to study) chemistry for like 5 hours. Then Natalie decided she wanted to go to Walmart, so Marcie, Lauren and I accompanied her. I got some snacks and grapes! (YAY for Fruit!) After we made a run to Wendy's where Josh, Ty, Kade, and Eric met up with us. We observed some cheerleaders, grabbed Kid Meal Toys out of the trash...pretty much didn't act like college kids but it was fun. Came back to the apartment and of course watched Youtube Videos like every other typical Friday night for us.
Saturday, I woke up, put on my spiderman sweater, my cute headband that Jordan's sister made for me, and went to study Chemistry with my friend, Italu, for a good 4 hours before we took the test. Feeling confident I went to take the test at about noon and BAM...Failed of course. Chemistry never fails to surprise me. All my friends said the test was hard and without a doubt it was. I hate Chemistry.
After though, Morghan came over and she rented a puppy. Yes. RENTED A PUPPY. Best $15 ever spent. The little fluff ball just played and played, it was the cutest thing. Eventually it got too tired and fell asleep. Puppy Love (:
That night was a bust. I watched Grimm, Modern Family, Walking Dead and New Girl....Then went to bed. Yepp. That was the first night I hadn't had Jordan to talk to on the phone or any plans at all. It was depressing.
Sunday was good. I bore my testimony in Church, Sunday school lesson was good and Relief Society was good too but mostly because Kam and I were talking. She's the best roomie. I love her!
We went to a Fireside and now I'm hoping we go to Tunnel Singing. I haven't been in a few weeks!
So in the spirit of Thanksgiving (And trying to be positive through this rough week), I'm grateful for my amazing family, friends and roommates. They've helped me a lot in the last week. They are always there to help pick me back up. I love them so much. I'm one lucky girl (:
Now, I hope you are smiling, but if you aren't here is a picture of the cutest puppy in the world. (: