I'm already working on another essay for Writing (I hate my writing class so much. Seriously, I've had to rewrite parts of this essay multiple times because my professor is so confusing and keeps changing things on us.)
My Chem teacher is making us to a Inorganic Chemical Nomenclature project. (More memorization, Yippee Skippee. There is over 200 of them to learn how to name. There will be 50 of them on the test)
I did the same for my Book of Mormon Test! I wouldn't have passed that one though if it weren't for my many tutors!!
Nothing too exciting has happened this week. This last weekend was pretty awful because of not doing so well on all my exams. I did get to play Tennis with Adam. It was really nice to finally got out there and play again. Adam was a good sport as he chased after all my vollies and lobs. Playing definitely helped me get out some of my frustration.

Tuesday, ehh. My long day. Not the best. I was frustrated. So when I got home after trying to do homework in the Wilk, I cleaned the kitchen. Like really cleaned it. Burners and everything. I didn't do the floor because that is a project for another day, but still. I scrubbed the counters down and the stove. I just couldn't take it anymore and my OCD kicked in. So yeah.
I helped with the Relief Society Sweet and Salty activity. It was quite the success. We ended up with the left over food :) My calling is Relief Society Meeting Coordinator. I work with Marcie, she's the 2nd counselor in RS, to help plan and take care of all the meetings that are not on Sunday.
Wednesday was notn exciting either. I worked on homework in the Wilk. 5 people have come and sat at my table with me...Only one has cared to strike up a conversation with me. He was very nice. His name was Dallin. We talked about Chemistry. Not my favorite topic but still, he was the only person who cared to ask me for my name.
Lauren and I went going shopping so I could finally get clothing. I spent a total of $40, but bought $90 worth of clothing. Aren't you proud of me? :)
Thursday, done with class at 11am. Hung out for a bit, watched Modern Family, took a nap, worked on homework. Went to my seminar at 5. Looked at Wireless Routers, worked on homework. Stalked people out the window with Lauren. Went to bed.
Today, I'm done with class now. I'm going to my Service Project at 11am till noon. Then I get to do homework, clean, do laundry and go to the game tonight! Hopefully I get to see Morghan while she's up here too!
This weekend is going to be fun because Jordan is going to be up here for conference! I can't wait to spend some time with him! :)
I promise I'll try to sleep more, and update my blog more often!! :)