Monday, September 24, 2012

Get Sassy

I have been MIA because I've been super busy with homework. I have three exams this week. Quite a bit of stuff has happened. Good stuff. Frustrating stuff. And annoying stuff. This blog does include some rants...

Friday, I did a whole lot of nothing. I came home from Chem, cleaned, attempted to work on homework but couldn't, and sat in the window of course. Oh and called Maintenance...again.

I did go a Bio review session that ended up being a waste of time. I thought it would help answer my questions but it didn't. This Bio class is just like AP Bio. It's practically a review.

After, Marcie and I went to the creamery. We got a ton of food that we needed. (Yes. Oreos and chocolate pudding are a necessity in our apartment) We made dinner. I watched Glee. (You guys are all fired for not telling me that Glee was back on!) I played my uke for a bit. But then I started to feel sorta sick. My allergies were acting up.

Marcie's friends Logan, Mark, Josh, and Jackson ended up coming over and we all hung out for a bit. It was  "Get Sassy day" thanks to Logan. He believed I was wearing my "sassy pants." (He likes to write on our calendar. & Kam ended up drawing on him with the window markers.) We walked down to the Arts center area where we climbed on all the statues. (Don't think that's allowed but it was a lot of fun. There are pictures.). We went down to the practice rooms in the HFAC and listened to Mark play the piano. He is amaaaaazing! Then we returned back and they all decided to watch a movie. I ended up taking a benedryll, talking to Jordan on the phone and falling asleep. I was tired.

Saturday was all homework. I was very productive. I made a freaking awesome poster for my Bio class....yeah it's hanging up in our kitchen now because I'm so proud of i I ended up getting a lot of my homework done so when my FHE boys invited me to play Capture the Flag, I was out the door! (I've had cabin fever a lot lately.)

Capture the flag was awesome! It was organized really well with maps, headbands and glowstick boundries. It was awesome! I even helped try to get the flag the second round of it! (I did get caught in jail like 5 times though...) Definitely looking forward to more big games like that. It was a blast.

On Sunday, the temple dedication was broadcasted. I went to that at 9am. Then finished the rest of my homework most of the day. Tarron came over to help me with my Book of Mormon study guide. And we ended up hanging out for a bit. He went and took a lap with me (Cabin Fever again) around the dorm buildings because I had way too much energy.

Karina made us dinner! It was quite yummy. After, I played my uke out on the balcony and got ambushed by boys. They heard me playing and ran up the stairs all at once and were pushing each other down to get up to the balcony first to reach their "Juliet". It was quite the production!

We ended up being in charge of Ward Prayer so we got to introduce ourselves to the ward. Natalie introduced me as the Dorm Mom! Later, I went to tunnel singing with the roommates and Mark, Jackson and Logan, worked on my homework then went to bed.

Then a stupid car alarm decided to go off at 3:30am. And continued to go off till about 4am. It was right outside our window. Our window was open. Yeah. I was very upset.

I woke up sleepy and irritated. However, I got a 8/10 on my Chem quiz. I was pretty proud of that. Then I took my Book of Mormon exam which was frustrating. Hardly any of what was on the Study Guide was on the test. Sure, tell the convert to do the Study Guide and then test her on everything she doesn't know. REAL COOL. Then I wasted an hour in the writing center with a tutor because it's 5% of my grade. Seriously. I don't need help with writing! 3 Advanced Writing classes and 2 AP ones. I think I'm good! Yes, this is college but this is a ridiculous class....What is a comma? I don't know. WHAT IS IT?! (Sorry, about the rant)

Now I'm home. About to take a nap. But I should first go to the Creamery and get milk. I drank a whole gallon, by myself, in three days.... I haven't had milk since Saturday. GAH!

I have quite a bit of homework but my brain can't function because my sleep was interrupted by that stupid car alarm. I'm of course trying to stay positive. This week just needs to be over and then next week will be cake! Why? NO EXAMS. And it's conference week. Rumor has it, Teachers don't give as much homework then... Cross your fingers!

P.S. In case you forgot. LEGGINGS ARE NOT PANTS. Come on people! You'd think BYU girls, with their modest clothing, would at least know that. Guess I was wrong.