No, it's not because I dropped out.
I'm done.
Like done, done.
I took my finals and I'm home til August.
Got out of there with a 3.31 for my second semester and a 3.02 for my freshman year!
Yeah, I'm kinda proud of that.
College is hard.

And you haven't taken a test in the testing center.... Really it's awful.
I got all moved out once my dad came to pick me up. Packing was just a blast (not). We visited with some family and friends, went and explored the Wasatch Mountains and then made the trek back home on April 29. So Yes. I've been home about three weeks now.
I was quite bored for the first few weeks. I think I've caught up on all the hours of television I missed while I was away at college....I miss my girls! And my guy friends...I miss having interactions with people like 24/7 because it's hard to be alone at college when you go to a school with tens of thousands of students and staff, and live in a building full of girls, and you have 6 roommates. It might sound like it'd be too much, but when you go from non-stop friend time to only seeing your family once they get home from work til the time you go to miss the crowds.
I don't miss the lecture halls, homework, crazy highway like sidewalks and never-ending search for a seat in the library though (You'd think a 6 level library, that stretches far underground, would have empty seats all the time...BUT NO. That place is jam-packed all day, erry-day...except Sundays.)
Anyways, like I said I'll be home til end of August.
Though, my very open schedule will be presumably busy because I just got a job working at Fairytale Town! It may just be part-time, but goodness am I excited! It could not be a more perfect job for me.
I've been working there for about a week now and it's been a blast. Sure I've mostly been in the Cafe the whole time but I got to do a birthday party last weekend and I get to do two more this weekend! For the first birthday party I got to dress up as Alice in Wonderland. (It may or may not have been the only costume that fit me...Everyone else there that does birthday parties is either a lot taller or shorter than me! I'm like average!) It's going to be a lot of fun this summer. I may get stuck working in the cafe a lot but hey, I'm getting paid. If making snow cones is what I do all summer, it doesn't bother me. I get to put a smile on a little kid's face (a smile and all that snow cone dye ends up all over their face as well!)
I finally have gotten to spend time with Hannah and Ian since I've been home. Just have to get Adriana back here and the gang is back! I can't wait for the rest of my friends to get home too. It'll be nice to see all the rest of their beautiful faces (:
It's back to Skype dates every night with Jordan, Dutch Bros, Bubble Tea, Taco Truck, Video Games (Ahem...Minecraft), Rat Slap, and other various adventures! Can't wait for this summer (: Oh and my birthday!