It's so nice to finally see the sun today and just wear a thin sweater and not be hot or cold, but just perfect! You can eat lunch outside, and actually feel your face start to get a little pink because it hasn't seen the sun in a few, what seems decades, months.
Lately, I've been swell!
Got a care package from the family with enough snacks to get me through the rest of the semester, a new cardigan and fun little stress ball toys with Got Milk stamped on them and smiley faces with milk mustaches! Those little stress balls have come in handy, except we all here at 217 seem to like to throw them at each other.
Was fed dinner by a family from church. Lasagna, french bread, salad and brownies...Oh Heaven! (I cannot wait to go home for home cooked meals!)
Met with an advisor for my major. Seems as though they've changed the requirements for the major so not only am I taking my Special Education classes but I have to take some Elementary Ed classes and they are making me do a English Language Learners minor. Should be good! I'm still really excited for this major.
Got my finger prints taken! Oh what an experience that was...
Yeah so, taking finger prints can be tricky. I mean, they have to all match up correctly or it doesn't process. Especially if you do the live scan stuff...Well, my pinky (one that I happened to have broken before and won't straighten anymore) gave the poor guy doing my prints a real hard time. For some reason, the computer didn't like any of the prints he took. I felt really bad, he was getting so frustrated! Not much I could do though, my pinky really just didn't want to flatten correctly on the scanner.

In other news from today, this morning was quite fun. Marcie, Natalie, Kamden and I all were up at the same time and going crazy. Blasting music, joking around, laughing. (Mind you Lauren and Karina were still sleeping). We got all ready to go then walked to class together. People also on their way to class probably thought we were nutz. Well we are...but it was still a blast. I love these girlies.
Jordan and I got to eat lunch outside today. Then we went up to the fourth floor overlook on the JFSB, looked over the quad area and people watched. It was quite grand. Eventually though it did get a little warm so we went in the shade to take some silly pictures. (This is what we do on a normal day)
Ever since Jordan got an IPhone, I've been making him share it with me...A LOT. I very much love taking pictures of him when he's not expecting it or really ridiculous pictures of us. He's not too fond of it. I bother him to Instagram things, especially the ridiculous pictures, and play Fruit Ninja. But hey, he needed me to help him figure it out initially. He was not Iphone savvy until I helped him out(:
Now for the rest of today I've got some homework to do, not much thankfully because Tuesdays and Thursdays are easy days, then we've got date night! Taqueria and an open mic night! Should be grand.
All is well here in the bubble. But I really am counting down the days til I get to go home. Miss my fam! And my doggy. My friends. Privileges of driving when I need to run errands. REAL FOOD.
Still looking for jobs. Let me know if you know of anywhere that is looking for a hard working, eager to help young adult to work for them!
Hugs and Love to Cali (:
Are we not models?
Jordan is going to hate me for posting this picture, but I adore it!
Jordan is going to hate me for posting this picture, but I adore it!